Thursday, April 25, 2013

Every man has his time and season!!

Every word from the Bible has relevance -reflect !!
The Old Saying-"The days grow long, every vision comes to naught".  Ezekiel 12:22-23
But the Lord says, I shall put an end to that proverb. 
Henceforth Say..The days are at hand and the fulfilment of every vision!. 

There is a time ,every man stretches forth his hands in vain when he walks  through barren grounds. His cries for fulfilment of vision went unheeded, his basket  never filling and  sorrowful and desperate his thoughts and pleas.

In every journey, there comes a time when the season blooms for man..and  he walks in  new paths-the words of the Lord..,,the time has come and with it, every desires, every vision is fulfilled!!

These are the colours of earth's journey, never be discouraged, never give up, for every man is given his time and season!!

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