Saturday, April 6, 2013


What is success? Is it money? Is it fame? Is it power? Is it recognition? Is it happiness? Or is it attaining your objectives, your goals , generally  doing things well? Once upon a time, I would say money, because my aim then was to be rich, so super duper rich that I could just  jet around the world in 365 days- a lady of leisure. Why 365 days?? I reckon  that would at least give me some time to smell the  scent, of the different and varied roses that exist around the world, meeting people and cultivating friendship..nothing too much, nothing too rush.

Time is the best teacher. Success is subjective and relative. Whatever your interpretation and action,  weigh it on your scale of wants and measure its value against returns - the  peace, happiness, relationship , most importantly, well being. How  balance are you ? 

My idea of success has shift from the idealism to realisation. Realism ..keeping the  feet firmly on the ground....I now wear double pair of glasses to correct my  short sightedness , so that I'll be able to differentiate the gold from the bronze. 

I would say, doing things well in all aspect of living and receiving great measures of satisfaction and peace...that's success.  

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