Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Keep a portion of yourself private..

Listen to this my good friend..He sets on high, those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety..He frustrates the devices of the crafty and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end...so the poor have hope, and injustice shuts her mouth. Job 5:11:13, 16.

My friend, your pain  is the work of the arrogant. They think they have a permanent abode in this Land of the Journeying..they thrive on the tears and sufferings of others for their happiness and they think they are above punishment. Aha! Do  they  think, peace and goodness will remain with them? ...At a time, they need peace most, it shall be taken away from them. It is the law of the universe,  what goes round, must come around. 

Take everything in its stride as a learning. In this world where evil rules, many wolves have donned sheep's' clothings and infiltrated our safe zones,  homes, friendship turfs, church, religious communities . The people closest to us are normally targeted as tools for the dirty works because  we tend to confide and speak freely to this group of people. In today's world..it pays to be discreet and mindful of what you say or do, keep your private chamber closed and off limits to others. .  Remember, who betrayed the Lord...one of his closest. One of his twelve. A little money, a little job and business opportunity...a little push of the ego.. get lots of dirty work done and who cares for our feelings? 

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