Saturday, August 10, 2013

Though you suffer, appreciate the sufferings

To comfort others, one should know and understand pain and sufferings. One has to have walked through Sufferings' paths and cry their tears. Only then can we feel the pain and anguish of others that we heart-fully  reach out to whisper words of encouragement and direction. The Lord who came and walk with us, suffered and died for us, He recognises this and He willingly underwent the punishment for our sake that when we,  in need call out to Him, He knows the human pain...the woes of the weak and the meek, the poor and the hungry-what it is to be the outcast and wrongly accused.. Out of this came the beautiful commandment-Love; Love thy neighbour, honour the elderly in your family. Do not sin, for sin brings in the distress and the sufferings after the effects of the drug has worn off. How wise and how blessed  the paths of Truth and Life!

Were you ever downtrodden? Have you ever experience the betrayal of the world ,then when you  were at your lowest- someone reaches across the wall of isolation and alienation and give you a smile, a hug, a little manna and all of a sudden , your spirit  lifted and the world becomes , ok -brighter and it is not such a bad place in live in after all? Hope  looms and life is renewed? It is the encouraging words from those who had gone through similar trials and tribulations that brings in the relief. They who have tasted similar pain, are able to speak in a language  the sufferers understand and hold on to .. often , lean on their strength  to get up and resume walking..

Appreciate sufferings, it is not all is an exercise of Wisdom, for the taste of salt that your  minds and hearts may be opened to  the sufferings of others and be a better neighbour, a better person!.

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