Sunday, August 18, 2013


The ocean used to be such a mystery..but not any more...the wilderness was such a scary place..and yet it had been conquered and new structures rose up there...where the sea flows, now -reclamation brought in new land, concrete and thriving trade, to feed the needs of man. Science has progressed-innovated so many firsts.and life is prolonged.- fifty is the new forty or even thirty   ....we have moved from cannot to the CAN and the impossible to the possible.

There is so much hope and yet we see the face of disaster. We are so brilliantly inventive and creative that the false and the imitation have being reinvented to become the new gold and we happily lap in the alternatives..We take so much from earth and nature, not giving back sufficient in return that we bring about imbalance and nature lashes out in fury and yet we do not pay heed. Will there come a time when lush and greens  become barren and devoid of  life?? Will  man 's own greed bring about -more devastating natural disasters to wipe out good living from the face of the earth? Will we become nomads searching the cosmos for a taste of greens and simple pure fresh air?

Funny, isn't it that progress actually do  bring about regression if people are mindless  and do not consider the future? Will  there come a time when man has to survive on food pills?  Will religion vanish from the face of the earth???. So many people think they are can they do without God? ...I really wonder!

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