Thursday, July 1, 2010

Positive Urgency-turning vision into reality

Hey people! YT was checking the mails today and guess what she picked up! A treasure of a definition. Chew on this definition- "urgency". it is described as " a gut-level compulsion to act now"!  ( from the Sense of urgency by Prof John P Kother, Harvard. )The very description itself is Action orientated. a forward moving word. Beautiful! People who possess a sense of positive urgency is  described as "opposed to complacency and generating a great deal of enthusiasm, energy and highly productive." The key words here are positive and  high productivity, Having enthusiasm , and energy alone does not work until and unless,urgency is matched with focus, direction, accomplishment  and packed with productivity- DESIRED RESULTS.

That definition excites Yours Truly. During her walk down corporate lane, she had come across many people, who were seemingly  fired up when a new project was proposed,....unfortunately, they either fizzled out after some time or just do not have the capacity to substain their momentum . There is a lack of vision , fore-sight,  target and  focus planning and after some time, they lose direction, resulting in a "hanging situation" or a  project shelved. A complete waste of resources, efforts and time, which hampers growth and development.
People plunge straight into the maze without first scouting out the paths and mapping good strategies and ensuring a sure and safe way out in any eventuality.How many projects had failed, with huge funds down the drain, all because people do not think before they act. People do not build solid bases, before they even venture out. They do not draw up constructive and concrete blue prints which  are so well thought out that it has success imprinted  in every angle. If you are in  business  transactions,know your direction, secure a clear and well laid out map- think profit level, think sustainability, think progress, think growth, think image, think network and support base  and work your butt out to achieve and attain your goals. Talk Less and Sweat more! Put your Mind and entire Being to work, get out of the comfort zone and you will harvest success.

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