Sunday, July 18, 2010

Luke 10:38-42

"Martha! Martha! you are anxious and troubled by many things......Mary has chosen the better part......" All of a sudden, light bulbs exploded into brightness;  the mind clears and understanding flows in....

What Marthas, most  of us are....always anxious and troubled about so many things in life...rushing around, scrambling here and there,unnecessarily  tiring ourselves out..... that we miss the crucial... the important aspects of life....the blessings and opportunities which abounds in our lives.  How many of us read the Bible and took the written words literally without really understanding the contents of the teachings.... the significance of each and every word......Yes, that episode has relevance to life itself;  how we act and walk our jobs, careers, people in our lives, our household, our friends etc...etc....God is indeed the essence, but the Bible is not only  about religion; it is also  the teachings about life's living. How we walk our lives will determined how fulfilled and contented we will be in life, and if peace will reign in our hearts....Such depth and we only read the surface, what a shame that most of us, including Yours Truly,  missed the wisdom which came with that little episode of Martha and Mary. 

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