Saturday, July 31, 2010

The call to Holiness- St Anne-Port Klang

Holiness is not about how many times, you pray a day, how many masses, you attend, it is certainly NOT self righteousness. It is all about being righteous  ..listening to your conscience; walking the acts of doing good for  your own family, your community, your church, etc..etc...It is about love for others in our lives, and yes...also for ourselves....for then, we would be well nourished, with sufficient strength to nourish others and provide them with the warmth  they need...

Marie has only one word for this morning's message by Father Simon, Simply Powerful, prompting us to straight away examine ourselves...are we just  acting holy or really heeding the call to holiness in all seriousness...our good deeds coming straight from the heart in all sincerity... that we give hope and happiness to others...., are we Strong and consistent in what we believe in and not afraid to stick to our  principles and defend our beliefs; ..... speak up for what is right. This is wisdom that nourishes, this is nutrients that nurtures young minds and hearts and yes even we- ourselves... that we  walk straight paths in the light of the Lord God...and this is precisely what this world needs...., the power of pure love , to cleanse its space and the earth  of  the poisons that pollutes, destroy  and kills  everything in its path....- family bonds, marriages, relationship, health, livelihood, friendships etc..etc.. because  we we have lost sight of the goodness of being HOLY in its correct context;  and we have shifted our gaze from our God ...

Saint Anne pray for us! 

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