Sunday, July 25, 2010

On the Day I called, You answered me, O Lord (Psalm 137)

On the Day I called, You answered me Oh Lord! (Psalm 137 ) Powerful, awesome and so full of response and endearing comfort! Folks! Were you touched?  Did you hear the promise ringing out that God answers those who calls upon Him??? It humbles the heart and puts a song of  highest praise and worship of the Lord God. It is  to the poor that He hasten to shower reassurances and compassion.. The poor - those who have a need, .......perhaps a desperate need for the grace of God that a spontaneous call arose from the deepest of the needy that it rises up and touch the Divine Heart of God. 

Persistence and preserverance are good ingredients  to add to our prayers. YT was at St Anne's Port Klang last night and  homily was dished out by  Father Larry Chan and he mentioned the word 'discern' and  the need to be conscious  of what we asks for.  Know what you want,  and be able to differentiate between the good and the bad.....if YT may add, careful what you asks for as well . The good Lord in His Humour may just grant you wishes, you really, really do not want.... A girlfriend, fell for the good looks of someone in her circle and vaguely remembered uttering something like.." Oh God, I would give anything, anything at all if  this person would just show me some attention" and before she knew it, she got more attention than what she bargained for and in the process also discovered how horrid this person could be.....Needless to say, after that, she never again prayed without weighing the consequences  of her wishes... But of course, one good thing came out of this episode. She saw things in their correct prospective..

If one may express appreciation Father Larry! A family that prays together certainly stays together, that's good salt for the tasting.....because the common bond is God and somehow, He provides the nutrition to keep  the peace, love, understanding and contentment steadfastly flowing and firm within the household.

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