Friday, October 1, 2010

Healing Faith-OLL

The Lord  will never forget us, and  will be with us until the end of time...and beyond..It is this great promise which comforts,  heals and brings about transformation and peace to disturbed minds,  lost, burden  and lonely souls, broken and hurt  by the endless demands and cruelty  of this human world...Yes, many a times, the hurtful and heartless actions of others...... drive us to  the brink of despair is as though there is no good, genuine or sincere soul out there...none at all! ...

But the Lord, He embraces  those who comes and lay all their tears and fears  at his feet...those who believes that nothing is impossible with Him who brought life to this Universe...He breathes his peace and grace into trusting souls and Beings... HEALS........;.disperses dark brooding clouds, clears life's blockages  and caused the sun to emerge and shine again...moulding new paths ,  new HOPE, or simply bringing new insight, fresh understanding, open our eyes and  hearts to avenues, which were perhaps already there ...., but were being obscured by our own egos, or pig-headedness etc.. .....

He has so much to offer us and He has only one simple request, that we trust and believe in Him...... that we be like little children innocent in our  belief and  the kingdom of God, is given this particular  context, with specific reference to healing...she, Marie believes, it is  being made whole again - with all brokenness fixed- etc..etc.. ........Friends, brothers and sisters...doesn't it sound like the Lord is telling us that with simple faith and belief comes great miracles and rewards??? "If you ask the mountain to move yonder, it will move yonder..if you believe....."
 Folks if it is healing, you desire and you come with deep faith....... you will return healed, you will have your troubles fixed; ....although it may not KA boom!!!! upon you, at that particular moment of time, but over the coming days and weeks goodness moves in slowly but surely to transform your everything.... and before you knew it..all is fine..The storm has blown over and calm is restored....
This writer had been lost many, many times both literally and  when she travels and ventures into unfamiliar territory .., suffered panic attacks (which is very often and that is just crazy!) ....there is always an angel who stops to help her.....and when life overwhelms.....and  when faith dims...He sends caring souls and  angels to lend their strength and remind her that He, the Lord God  is very much with her .....Indeed ! He is right by her side.....And He is right by your side too folks....if you will just allow your conscious, your Being- to manifest His Presence in you and allow the power of your faith to surface  and the grace of His Holy Spirit to work their wonders in your life and put everything right for you ..... 

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