Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beautiful Sunset mass @ HRC Klang


One of the most relevant and meaningful question asked Saturday, during sunset mass  was the WHY??? question, very simply put forward - asked in the context when receiving the bread of life....WHY some parishioners do not response to the  proclamation "Body of Christ" by a very revered "AMEN" when receiving the Eucharist...when it signifies our acceptance, faith and  belief that we are indeed receiving the body of Christ and welcoming his divine presence into our being and our life....Jesus the Christ is Lord, very real...and from Him gushes forth the power of faith to make all things possible...When a prayer ends with an AMEN, Jesus' Name is a total prayer in itself.. it signifies " let it  be done , complete with your own trust and faith...that it will be done". To this writer, a prayer without an AMEN attached is not a complete prayer....a part was left hanging.....It has not been sealed with the grace of faith.. OK, Ok.....just this writer's opinion.....she is also not comfortable , NOT sealing the Lord's Prayer with an well... to her , it is an act of total faith, that  it will be done. The prayer has been sent up and the Father  has heard.
How many have sung the hymn Faith, love and Charity and allowed those virtues to actualize into actions??? Did awareness rise forth that -belief in God is synonymous with practicing these three  basic essentials-  key elements to achieving peace, and happiness???? -why key???because such acts beautifies the soul and opens the gateway to  the Giver of Life, our  God Himself.  Beautiful! and it tells us to make our choices wisely in life if ever, we were asked to pick our gifts from amongst the many earthly treasures this life has to will decide  whether you travel upwards to joyous peace or into darkness and pain...

p/s the writer is still chewing on the words of the parish priest....  Belief, it should be more than just blind acceptance, mere routine or habit.... without the should come with  deep faith - strong conviction rising forth from within your heart and your very being......... alive, thriving  and growing ,gathering strength daily ...absolutely believing that it actionized into deeds of love, walking  and spreading the word of God...... just like Paul, because he truly believes.... makes sense.......Inspiring indeed!

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