Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Annual Seniors Night -HRC

It was a jolly fun night, the Annual Seniors night -Holy Redeemer Church Klang.  Thanksgiving not only for the night's subsistence but for the night itself. Was it 38 tables?? The band was entertaining; the MC, witty and full of humour, the crowd eager and supportive! And All in their Sunday best! What a night! .......The popular hotties of the seventies and eighties opened  the doorways back into memory lane and all of a sudden the years  rolled back and this writer saw this bunch of kids, doing the popular twists and  the rock and roll dances of the era.. on the dance floor...She was one of those dancing the night away...Ahem!  night away means 10.00p.m. and it's lights out and no Buts! Ah! Those were the days!

But let not everything be memories because seniors could live life to the fullest and enjoy them current time and every step into the sunset! Most of our duties are done, and we should let our hair down a little and smile with the sunshine.....If not now, WHEN????

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