Friday, October 22, 2010

Breaking up

A radio station, offered to hand over the " Dear John letter "  for anyone who does not know how to sing the  "wanna break up with you" song....and guess what? someone actually called in and asked this radio station to inform his fiancee of three years that their relationship had lost its sparkle and he wants to break up with her...all that on  national radio! Is he a jerk , an idiot or what???? People!What do you make of that???  Created drama or  a joke by the radio station or what????

The deejays actually called up the poor girl and very clumsily broke the sorry news to her! Totally unethical.Those  deejays should be suspended for even considering such an act!  It was obvious from the way the message was relayed that they ,the deejays were totally lacking in sensitivity...(this writer cringed  when she heard the exchange of x and ys) that girl was absolutely right! It was none of their @&;!!pqx??? !!! That is crossing the line! Please!!!!And they thought it was funny ...going on and on....such a heart breaking, private matter over national radio.., names and all.....Man! how hurtful! how humiliated that poor girl must have felt...bad enough to be dumped after three years of relationship ..but to be fried over national radio???  Poor taste! Totally disgusting...the radio station should be hauled up for that horrible act! What if the humiliation were too much for the poor girl to bear and she does something stupid??? Will the radio station take responsibility??? 

Truly shocking! Beyond redemption! Not  even worth a cent !  What sort of a worm is that to humiliate the woman in his live in such a way???. She is certainly better off without him. He does not deserve her at all! Annie, honey! there are loads of good men out there, chin up and start life a new! Thank your lucky were not yet married to that monster...marriage to such a @@##?? would mean life long misery! A lucky escape!

This writer says, if  for some reason, any party ( could be either man or woman)wishes to breakup with their partner...for goodness sake....have the decency to do it privately....You owe the other party...that much respect , dignity, face, pride, goodwill and feelings....It is a very private matter and it involves just the two of you...bear that in mind! Over national radio???-what nonsense! Has the world gone bananas????

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