Sunday, April 3, 2011

Alpha Weekend away..

When all is said and done.....will the salt of the earth rise forth, to give taste to the world, proclaim truth to  those who have ears to listen and thirst after the living waters of life???

There is an intense knocking on the doors to one's heart......during the Alpha Weekend away...Nicky, he tickles the heart..... he  attempts to shut off the sounds of the world, so that we could hear much more clearly, the knocks on the doorways to our hearts... willingly opening our hearts, fully welcoming in, the waiting Lord,  who will make a tremendous difference to our lives.....he introduces the Holy Spirit to the uninitiated a very down to earth way...using anology, all of us could identify with....

Bet it was a pretty soul searching weekend for many....but for Marie...Alpha works in a different way....she had fun, the unexpected happened, she lost her restlessness.....a certain measure of calm had descended upon her... what's more...she experienced warmth and care....she met beautiful lovely sister...lend Marie her shawl because she was cold ....another one shared her home baked bread... ... The group sharing was helped her understand life alot more....everyone  without exception experienced a certain measure of trials and tribulations...each were tested, in their own way...the "have all" and the "have nots"........but the faithful persevered because they  trust in the Lord, they prayed and took their baggages to the Lord.....Prayers...they are the nourishment of faith.... they bind and strengthen  our relationship with God...

Marie came away from the Alpha weekend  more aware of her blessings ...her cup is actually quite full......Autumn has its own warmth and joy, it has its own beauty; it has its own bountiful harvest and providence....the Lord, He so watches over her and keeps her so close to His Heart! And she does so love  Him  too, Yes, Lord! 

Facilitators, how you have grown...perhaps it was the Holy Spirit who had filled you with such confidence??? ...You people  were just great.... ......... good food too...A whisper to the House Shepherds....Marie's confession... the sin of gluttony....   the greed of overeating and that too... in spite of the flu....

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