Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is God still healing??

Is the "healing" word still relevant in the current context, is God still  the Healer, the Healing God?? Marie truly believes God watches and  heals those who unquestionly surrenders their everything into His care....She is already a  great  believer pre-Alpha. Then- she prays in hope  and in anticipation ....wishing and wishing........Now??, she thanks God  in certaintly......the ongoing healing care and love showering upon her, every second  and every moment she breathes life..

Sure, along the corridors of life,  there still exists maliciousness,  evil;  there still exists bullies,  trials and tribulations..... people who cheats, steal   and take advantage of us.. .........but in life, there is night and there is day and our God , He name is Fairness  Himself- He is ...the Ultimate Master....who balances and controls the wheel and  fortunes of life...directs and ordains time, seasons ,  destiny, you name it................Marie is confident, God is the Decider  who.. restores and makes good  wasted years and barren lands.....That brethren, is the Spirit of God, restoring goodness, breathing peace, calm,  balance and harmony into those who places their trust and faith in Him. 

Healing....., it transcends in so many forms, cutting across boundaries, not confining in its defination ..... and when it touches you...you will comprehend ..... that so long as the breath exist, healing is present....as  part and parcel of life....

When our tainted  spirit and soul, is transformed into wholesome well being and goodness, bringing God profoundly closed...... in us, then serenity flows in ...bringing with it the ultimate healing of broken ties into Reconcilation......and togetherness with the Father in Heaven. 

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