Friday, April 22, 2011

Holy Thursday, Good Friday..Easter!

It was an incredible experience at the Chapel of Adoration last night....a  touch of the Holy Mother's   pain and grief.....The moment this Autumner, recited the Hail Mary, she felt this deep aching pain  within.... and involuntarily, tears brimmed over....At that moment, she was annoyed with know, forever tearing...oh for goodness sake! and she didn't even have a single piece of tissue with her.....Later at the grotto, she was in deep conversation with the Holy Mother, when  extra-ordinary  lyrics flooded the air.....the congregation were singing their hearts out, worshipping God;  she did not understand a word of what was sung , can't , it was in Tamil....but the very sounds, the music.. touched her soul.....she stopped enthralled...a sense of .....holiness was apparent........and then, , the church bell began ringing......the sheer loveliness of the moment overwhelms her.....and before she knew it...those tears brimmed and overflowed again.......she had this profound feeling  of being spiritually touched, .....the sorrow and the pain of the Holy Mother of was her son they had brutally nailed to the cross to die ...and it was for our sake....

Good Friday, .......the day...the Son of God....died for us.....Shed His blood for the atonement of our sins....that we may receive eternal grace and salvation.....and as she knelt to thank God for the gift of  eternal  life through Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.. she  added a very special thanksgiving to God for Mary, Holy Mother, ever faithful and trusting to the Will of God..

 John 20 - An Empty Tomb and A Risen Jesus

The Lord Jesus willingly paid a heavy price for our sins that we may live...and  call God, Father... That we may find eternal peace in His Presence....Folks, The Lord...He is no more on the cross, He had been taken down and laid in a tomb but neither tomb nor death, could hold Him or  had any power over Him...He  is arisen...Brethren, our Lord has triumph over death and is arisen! We live through Him!  Glory be to the Risen Lord and Saviour!

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