Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still on ALPHA

Was it already 10 weeks , when this writer first heeded the call - "Come and See" for yourselves, who  Jesus is ?? Did  we just complete the ALPHA course?  Gosh! How time flies! 

It was about 7.30p.m on a Sunday evening...all have not eaten...and the question was put forward to the explorers...."We have a last session before Fellowship &; Dinner. Anyone hungry??Who wants an express 25 minutes marathon so that we could start fellowship early, or would you prefer the full 45 minutes ???"

.Nope!  Amazingly, nobody wanted any  short cuts...she was pleasantly surprised! Ah!  the inner change , transformation had taken place.....Chow time can wait...right now..what everybody wanted was more good news...more of the Word of God. Get going- Nicky Gumbel...   " Look around the room.. ...(we were told), at the people sitting around you...they are your brothers and sisters in Christ..." We are the church of Christ....When we accept Christ, we become God's family...we become children of God...and members of the same family... brothers and sisters... united in one body, no matter what happens.

When we sat down later on, and shared in the potluck goodies ....fellowship took one step upwards...A different platform... an entirely different atmosphere. There was a closeness, a common bond, not present before...Barriers, alot of them were gone...we were free-er with our interaction....and when we addressed each other- "brother, sister"...there was this warm feeling of kinship....Unbelievable!

We were blessed with the presence of not one, but both parish priests who  helped set the happy mood...and  they were so much in one spirit with the explorers. of the Alpha. course.  They, the  shepherds were quite delightful.... jovial, brotherly...full of laughter...... my!  this writer had never seen such  wide smiles on their faces  nor seen that humorous and social side of them before.  Ah! The spirit of Alpha ! It had touched them as well!
Brethren!.   Good food, Good food indeed! The  score please!  And it is a.... 99.9 %  A MUST to attend, - good for the spirit and the soul.....but leave the full cup at home, please.... just bring along an empty cup to be filled and after your journey, you shall surely  return  with clarity of  sight,   wiser, enlightened  and so much closer to God!

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