Monday, August 15, 2011

Blessed Mother-Feast of the Assumption

It was on the Feast of the Assumption, many years ago,  when Marie experienced her life changing miraculous healing. It was  in the early morning, too, right in front of the grotto, ...and this morning,bright and early, Marie  again thank  the Blessed Mother  for her gracious prayers and constant intercessions.

Co-incidentally, someone dear  had called her up the day before to pray for a loved one and which better day to pray than on this blessed day??

Folks,  believe it or not, The Blessed Virgin Mary hears and prays for us. Let us in turn pray for God's blessings on our Holy Mother. Shouldn't we be praying for her, someone, who never cease to pray and intercede for us?? Folks, this is a day, to thank God for Mary, who has made our Christian  path to God possible. Praise God!

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