Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OLL Prayer Meet -Every Tuesday Night

The Prayer group of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang, who meets every Tuesday night at 8.oop.m., has grown by leaps and bounds....powerful hymns of thanksgiving and worship; lively and soul lifting were  the theme of last night's gathering . Young people could really identify with that kind of spirit filled atmosphere.!

Lead by the Youth Band , they did a fantastic job inviting the presence of God into their midst... even someone down in the dumps would be uplifted. Talented, spirit filled, these young people were a wonderful  addition to the Prayer Group. The additional bonus, was a  promising young speaker who gave Gospel Sharing , her very own distinct flavour, taking on an unusual angle, simple, easy to understand, yet with the necessary bible quotes to lend creditability  to her Sharing. A refreshing breath of fresh  air indeed!

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