Saturday, August 6, 2011

Detox! Flush out Negativeness!!


There is no more safe haven in this cannot even pee or do your business away from prying eyes, especially Cyber and electronic peeping Toms, (did you read about that camera planted in the ladies loo and that too in a secondary school ?????sick people with sick minds  think life is one big  cheap thrill,  sadly, they are a growing boys are committing atrocities , skipping school to commit rape??? and one of the three is a young  13????(local media report)Think!!!how can we stop this sickness?????  Do not think Home is safe... Home  privacy are being invaded, compromised....ears and eyes are planted everywhere.........sure,  for safety reasons, but it could so easily be this the price we have to pay, for advancement and progress?? Is this the world, we want -for our children and theirs???

Now, more than ever, we need to protect our young minds and souls.....that innocence and goodness  is preserved.  Be instrumental in giving them good upbringing, that they grow up straight and not crooked. Now more than ever, we need to instill good religious and family values.. good morals .that our young people,  and adults......yes, adults......ourselves as well.....strive to walk with God in our hearts , dispelling and overcoming  life's negativeness and dark challenges.  Peace starts with putting God in the centre of our lives; only than, can we differienate between right and wrongs, good and bad, .....observing and keeping life's good  values and virtues, respecting the rights of others. We need a safer enviroment, we need the peace of knowing our young ones and even ourselves are in no danger wherever we might be...

People! Parents! Teachers! be instrumental in bringing about a better world.....start from home and school!!!!

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