Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There is life after Retirement!!!

YT  was reading Dr. Andrew Mohanraj, community psychiatrist's article on "you are retired' in the Sunday Star and  was utterly amused with the pictures that comes with the article. Is this how the world and society view retirees? Old, tired, useless, sleeping along the corridors, without friends...carrying a whole baggage of depression on their shoulders?? Is this how, retirees  see themselves.....how they  envisage life after 55, or 58, when the world takes away their employment rights ???

People, especially my friends, the Autumners, do you know that one never retires?? And should not think of retiring into nothingness????Retirement only comes when they lay your worn out body in that box and give you that mournful farewell. Even then, the spirit and soul  do not retire....they move on to a higher realm...Dr. Andrew Mohanraj has a wonderful advice....." retire into something and not from something"  ..hand that to  someone from the Mental Health Advisory  Council......to give sound advice huh!.

YT says, if  all your life, you slog, for home, kids, wife,.....husband, everybody else....for survival, for life style...age gives you that wonderful opportunity to pick up your forgotten or broken dreams....live for yourself.  Maybe joining clubs and activities cost money and at this time of life's journey, income is limited, but then again, it need not be limited. Be your own boss, something small, that is not too strenuous and taxing...a few hours a day. Lonely job????, why not summon up a few like-minded friends and a few of you could have a real roaring time...practicing your business skills, whether it be simple food wares, drinks...or whatever you are capable of doing.....Retirement need not be a time, when you simply laze around, digging into your savings, full of anxiety...when that little nest is going to run out.

But of course if you have plenty and want to travel the world and enjoy life, and is perfectly comfortable and happy , why not???You earn it!!!... Remember though, there are alot of freebies out there...activities that just require your time, presence and efforts..volunteering your services will bring in their own rewards, satisfaction of giving...and all religion teaches that it is more blessed to give.... Retiring into something else gives opportunities to smell blossoms of  a different kind.

And Autumn can be a beautiful time,  when, you can smile in satisfaction, that you have done your duty , your kids are all grown up...they have their own lives to lead...  and now, you have time for your self,  shower more attention on your spouse , enjoy life together. It is also a  great time to cultivate new friends...and love yourself more than a little....be the person you always wanted to be.......

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