Sunday, November 6, 2011

Be Prepared at all times

The Parable of the Ten Maidens is a call to  awareness, that  we neither know the time nor the day,  and that has  far reaching significance and implications, stretching through time and  across all borders. It is a teaching that can be applied  to our every day living;  and yet at the same time  an indication of the  end.

Nobody knows, when the end will come-nobody  except the Father above. The natural calamities that had been pounding many parts of the world, the flooding in Thailand, earthquakes, in Indonesia- tsunamis  in Japan , New Zealand.... and many more. Is that an indication that the end is near? The end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, what does that mean?? Nobody knows for certain.

We read about prophets of doom who had predicted dooms day  time and again, and even  waited with the whole of their community  at certain destined spot to be taken into heaven....and yet the world  still  moves on , nothing has stopped... So, Can we say that it will never happen, at least not  in our life time?? Be prepared the Lord says...lest you are shut out like the foolish maidens.

That parable is more than being prepared for the end. It is fore-sight in everyday living. It is looking at the beyond – the eventualities of situations and circumstance of life’s journey.  IT tells us not to  let our foolishness shut out opportunities in our lives and lead us to lose goodness due to us. There is a connection in everything we do and what  evolves in our world, meaning our living space. Therefore be discerning-think and act sensible-Leave nothing to chance-but be always ready and  well prepared to take full advantage and make good use of all things good, when it appears in your path. Be absolutely  ready to harvest, or  that  goodness will pass  you by and lose out.

Be prepared and be ready all at times-it makes a difference to your existence. 

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