Friday, November 25, 2011

Fierce or Gentle God??

A fierce God, or a Gentle God,, comforting and approachable, a forgiving Father figure, welcoming home the prodigal son. Which do you prefer? 

While it is true that military style- holding the rotan,   would keep us  properly checked and in order, mindful of our Ps and Qs   ready to act out our obligations as expected of us ,  toeing the line, etc..this blogger would go for the embracing God anytime...for then it means that she would not be afraid of  pouring out her heart and sharing whatever joy or distress, with someone who loves her.... For then, it  means, she is never alone and she could  lean on the strength of her God.without fear.. 

If  God is brought down to our level, walking in our company , would the sense of Godliness and reverence be lost?? ; Would the special feeling of awe and homage  loses its essence..? would  God  become an ordinary person ?? And again where  then,  would religion be? Where then would God be??On the surface, there may appear to be an issue,, but  Gentle though God is, we will still know Him as God and   will honour  and  love Him ,  all the more. ..... . We are a  part of Him.  Religion, God, it  will always be part of existence, that is the vital link   that completes the picture.. No, we will not lose our God , because God being God will always be sacred ....He will always be almighty, supreme and above us and because He is God and omnipresent, He also has the power to to be with us at our level.., wherever we are.

Sure,  many may  claim they do not believe in God  anymore or God has no part in their lives, yet despite their reluctance to acknowledge God by that name, humans are becoming more aware of the need for  peace and happiness in today's dysfunctional world and they go searching for those benefits. So tell me, isn't that an act of  searching  for the presence of God??Can there be peace and happiness without God ??? The more chaotic , the darker, the more illusive the universe becomes, the more the need for  a loving and comforting God , but does that mean, we are allowed to  swim in our sinfulness and do as we pleased???  Think Again., people!  Surely you know what is required of you!

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