Sunday, November 13, 2011

Parable of the Talents

The Parable of the Talents, is one of  Marie's  personal favourites. That was the one Parable  which  gave her  a solid ground to fall back on  whenever she needed some wisdom. She used it often, because  it  relates to so many incidences in her  journey and had given her much insight  to discern and act appropriately, in her many roles as a journeying Traveler -Wage earner ,  daughter, wife,mother, sibling,  friend and so on. When she  was stumped for direction, for the next course of action, it was on this Parable she reflected  and asked herself, “what is the expectation of the  Master? “Sometimes, circumstances calls for use of head over heart and sometimes, the reflections  tells her, to ignore the head,  instead , listen to the heart and gut feeling.Every situation has its own solution, each issue its appropriate wisdom.

To be perfectly honest, her  journey was never a passage of roses,  it was a tough terrain with so many crossroads  that she would have been crushed were it not for the love and mercy of   God with her, He,who had set her on this journey. And God be praised, she survived the tough and rough road thus far,because His Hand held her up,and supported her, each time she loses strength..He never gave up on her. And the angels He sent to uplift her, it was blessed grace.

As she reflected on that Parable, again today, she was immensely conscious of the one talent left  to waste and idling, for oh, so many years; but the Master is patient. ......” Better late than never”.  The sun is setting; and she cannot procrastinate any longer; she is hurrying to make up for lost time... so that when the Master returns, there would be some measure of  fruitfulness  to glorify Him.

It had been  a very tough two months or so, scribbling, writing, and creating;  she was so intensely taken up with the enthusiasm of it all, it took its toll on her eyes; sometimes they were were so fatigued, she looked like an owl, what with the huge  eyes bags casting black and water logged shadows under her eyes, giving her the complete wash out look . But People! it was fantastically uplifting as the book took shape. It was tough going yes,  but the good Lord, He has been gracious and had helped her plenty and given her much substance and insight .  God willing, the task of writing and editing completes soon and   a good publisher angels in and   looks favorably on her autumn  attempt and actualized   her dearest  dream – publication and good distribution, and Lord,  that she is able to  offer  You, the  Power who makes all things possible, her very first published copy  as  an offering of thanksgiving, as a glorification of Your greatness, goodness and blessing showered upon  her life..  Thank you Lord God, Amen!

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