Friday, November 18, 2011

Senior Citizen Ministry Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang

New Chairman giving his address-
the smiling lady in red is the new Vice Chairman
Father Surin with his basket full of nutrients
Wonderful address Father! Appreciated !
The  Senior Citizen Ministry of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang just had their Biennial General Meeting 2011 at the Bernadette  1 Basement this day, evening of  Friday 18th Nov 2011.. A new team had just  been elected for the new term.....not that the old has been voted out. No sir, they were all dearly wanted but  each politely declined another term. New blood is the order of the day, they said, because  their blood were tired and  aging!..... Our thanks guys, you did a great job!!  And Now,have a peep at the images of the new vibrant team guys, ....images only - no names??check out the official list from the  new secretary . .the beautiful lady in  blue...The treasurer and assistant secretary-are on the other side of the Chairman.The committee members are a shy lot... Come on, people-do some detective work,  it can be quite fun!
Pretty backs all  in a row
You guys hungry? Plenty of good food -dig in!

Senior Citizen Team 2011,  tough work ahead if you are to succeed in changing the mindset of our very own seniors. We seniors are a lovable lot, are we not?  Just that the engines are a bit rusty and stuck in certain places and we need some lubricants and good oiling to get those mechanisms up and moving again, Team 2011, that tasks has fallen on you! The seniors make the ministry, their participation , contribution and support is what makes the senior citizen ministry of OLL or anywhere else , active and vibrant. Seniors, the ball is also very much in your court. What do you want? Do you want to have a voice and a presence??Then support your own group and community.

The  Senior Citizen Ministry is on a membership drive so People, if you are 50 and above, most welcome.  

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