Monday, June 10, 2013

Sacred Heart Bentong

Someone mentioned, they do not have a Facebook account so here goes-the little write up on our trip to Sacred Heart Bentong.

Church of  Sacred Heart  Bentong –A Feast Day Pilgrimage –Sunday , 9th June 2013

6.30a.m. that’s the time, pilgrims from OLL were told to gather at their church compound. All came in good time. Along came the good parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael Chua. We all turned in his direction.

To wish the pilgrims a safe and blessed journey Fr.? Yes, thoughtful  but most importantly, he was there to pray and bless. Thanks Rev! It’s the year of the Faith and we really must  devote some time to pilgrimages huh Fr.?  I for one believe pilgrimages are great fortifiers of faith and belief.

Church of Sacred Heart Bentong-Feast Day - Main destination. Destination 2- Church of Annunciation in Raub

The number of people who went on this pilgrimage?
One full bus load of 44  departing from OLL, joined by another two buses from Holy Redeemer Church Klang and from St. Anne’s Port Klang-x1 bus. That would make it at least 176 pilgrims yes??

Organisers?-Main organisers -HRC-Peter Chan, Doreen and their team. At OLL , we have Chacko Daniel and his committed team.

Day’s Diary  of events
Depart at 7.10a.m. Arrived at Sacred Heart Bentong around 9.15a.m

Warmly welcomed by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Andrew Kooi and parishioners. We even have a welcoming committee waiting for us at the entrance to guide us into the church building! Thanks Pa & Ma of Fr. Kooi. Goody good feeling!!

There were lot of wahs! And clicks! Clicks!  Snaps! And more Snaps!

Sisters at the church entrance?  Oh yes, Daughters of St Paul, Petaling Jaya and they were there to promote religious articles and books which aids and strengthens faith. How often do you come down to Bentong sister? Once a year ma’am was the polite response. What a lovely smile sister! And we all crowded round for a look, see  and buy.

Rosary Devotion
Alright! Before Mass, we have devotional time for Rosary and was it enthusiastically recited and with such fervour! Well, this writer checked! There were around four hundred faithful (even more) at the celebrations with many sitting outside the  church building!! So many earnest voices rising up so powerfully- Surely the Holy Mother, will carry our prayers upwards to her Divine Son and  the good Lord above has heard our prayers!!

The Mass?

Beautiful and powerfully celebrated by parish priest Fr. Andrew Kooi. What’s this?? Three young ladies and one young lad as altar servers? Way to go Father!

One celebrations, to cater for the Chinese speaking, the Tamil speaking and the English group? I thought it was marvellously planned and blended in, with great time  management. The religious fervour and  reverence  was high –real high.

Lovely homily and great message!! We went away feeling so blessed.

Fellowship & Lunch
Wonderful gesture. Sacred Heart Church hosted fellowship cum lunch  after mass. Good and tasty food in great abundance! Yours Truly simply loved the chicken curry cooked Bentong style! YT has a craze for good curries. 

Token of appreciation  for the
 wonderful lunch and great hospitality.
Photoshoot -And now, let’s all say cheese with Fr. Andrew Kooi. Too big a group??! Ok, let’s go by individual parish!! Correction! It's different bus group. The four buses comprises pilgrims from all three parish-just a matter of seating arrangements) And click, click, click and click and we are done!!

Annunciation church-Raub

By 12.30p.m. we were there at the beautiful church. Local boy Philips opened the gates and the doors of the church for us. Small parish of 30-40 odd families we were told. We gathered at the beautiful grotto. Might be my imagination, but the last time I was there the statue of Our Lady appeared to be standing on higher grounds.

A beautiful session of prayers and rosary were held at the church.

Then it’s off to the –

Tau Foo factory and groundnuts factory before heading for home.

My!! Such a traffic jam. Everyone wanted a taste of  freshly made taufoo -get some for  others at home  to savour the good taste. And it was the same at the groundnuts factory!! Who says  there is a  recession? People were happily throwing out  $$$. No lacking there!! 
If that was not enough, we stopped by  Raub town for some Hakka “kuehs”-cakes before heading for home.

Not yet?? Oh yes, we stopped by Bukit Tinggi for a last stop shopping and a spot of refreshments. The famous stop for Old ginger plus  farm fresh vegetables and fruits. Everyone had fun emptying their pockets. YT tried to restrain but no way, she too gave in to the buying  temptation. Hei! No worries, plenty more from where it came from!! Wah! Fresh, real fresh, worth the $ & $ spent!
Finally it was  time to head for home. Wonderful food for the spirit and soul, plus plenty of fun and chatty, chat! Chat!! Thanks organisers!!

7.20p.m. and we were back at OLL. I guess the other three buses returning to HRC and St. Anne would have reach their respective destinations around the same time as well. Keep the spirits up till we meet again People!! Keep on praying!!

 P/s : Sacred heart Bentong is working very hard to raise funds to build a Grotto. I'm sure the Holy Mother will lend a hand. See the proposed site -behind the church. 

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