Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Truth will set you free

Do you know that The Truth will set you free?.
Truth  in whatever format is truly a splendid thing.,  Truth is opening your eyes, giving you sight, knowledge -knowing the implications, significance and the impact of all doings. Truth is leading you out of darkness into clarity. Truth is getting out of escapism into reality. Truth breaks and removes FEAR.

The ills of our journey are often caused by Fear.-the man made myths and controls which imprisons you.. Let's not go too far. Take the chain letter for many of us, use the name of the Lord and his holy saints in vain to create chains of fear-play on the fears of  people to get them to continue the chain?

Often, I receive interesting forwards and I'd  eagerly drink in the contents, only to find at the end, that they have added in a clause of  Fear. If you do not sent out twenty copies, or if you thrash will face disaster. xtra, xtra , but if you do as told, you will receive good luck--Just how true is true???. .....Frankly many people would just  love to thrash those bloody chain letters but the fear factor keep the Forwards  alive and going. Now you guys tell me, if it isn't true!! One chain letter even promised that I will strike it rich but hei, I'm still driving  around in my old  run down car!!

Then we have people who did things they should not do, and then got caught in the blackmail net, unable to .redeem themselves Often, they  live in fear of exposure and pay a heavy price to keep their  intimate pictures  out of  the internet, or keep under cover some dark  past secrets .They fear losing what they now enjoy or possess. They fear losing the peace and harmony in their lives ..

Strangely, they do not realise that by allowing others to prey on their fears, they already lost their peace. All it needed is the courage to face up to the truth-confess, face the consequences..and the truth will set them free from all their torture, sufferings and mental anguish they  were forced into. Of course the painful truth is, they should not have done the "Don't s" in the first place but sometimes, things do  happen and the  moment's weakness could result in  many forms of  sufferings.   Bare Truth is, the best recourse is to find the courage to own up, allow it to set you free and then put those mistakes behind you- look forward-move forward.

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