Sunday, June 2, 2013

There is a constant spiritual warfare surrounding every human form, the tug of war between the positive and the  negative and it is going on every minute, every second.When I was little, I was told that there is a good angel standing on one side and on the other side -the dark angel. Your conscience, the good angel  tells you to do what is right but the evil one sneered and put doubts into your mind. You get many whispers of "Why should you?"" Think of yourself first!" "He does not deserve your sympathy" As the Good fight with the Bad, .you get confused  and sometimes, it becomes a cause of no action..You then  shut your eyes and ears  and walk away -doing neither good nor bad. That is a  pretty normal occurrence in most people's lives. and of no great concern.
It is the spiritual warfare of the extreme kind, that spiritual leaders need to be aware of and take steps to provide necessary support. Those support has to come from  the stronger in faith. The evil  one picks on the vulnerable and those whose faith is just taking root to cause sufferings and pain-to take away their trust and belief -to cast doubts so that they, the affected, in their questioning runs away from the pasture of the Lord. Do you ever wonder why someone who appears to be a perfect child of God,  suddenly disappears from the scene altogether? If anyone investigates, he would know that , that person is facing some form of spiritual attack and needs help out of his quicksand . For instance, he may suddenly find himself in hard times, become sick, or someone important in his life, may become grievously ill. He may find a lot of obstacles in his way. All these attacks drains away his positive energy and caused him to divert his attention from God, to hide from God (just what the evil one wants)  and to focus his attention on his troubles.. Or, for no valid reason the person  may suddenly lose interest in what used to be important to him. He become less function-able-unable to perform his task as previously. 

If you are leaders of any Charismatic Movement, you have to be aware, the possibility  and the reality of such attacks.  You have to be spiritually strong yourself. You have to have God's strength , the  power of the Holy Spirit within you to give you inner strength and power so that you would be in a position to lend your support to those caught in the snarls of spiritual warfare . Help them overcome the evil forces so that they could receive the baptism  of  holy spirit and rise up strong in their faith in God, otherwise, you will lose them. 
To be continued... 

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