Thursday, June 13, 2013

Extension on truth ..

Let's continue with the little home truths...
When we were young, our parents used to tell us, don't play with fire, because fire burn and hurt you. We have reports of curious children who play with matches and they burn down the family home. What hardship they cause the family through their disobedience! Do not play with fire crackers and still they do it and end up blowing away their fingers or their arms. Self destruction -what a waste of good limbs! What a waste of a great future ...if only they had listened!!  

And again-Don't play with sharp objects..they cut and cause you to bled...and that's painful. "But mom, I don't like the toy ones, they cannot cut properly and we are  inviting the fairies over for lunch. "As soon as mom turn her back, you sneak into the kitchen and take out a nice sharp knife and merrily cut, cut, cut and then! One accidental slip and  you nearly sliced off your finger and mom had to rush you all the way to the hospital for the repair works. Remember? 

Truths are so hard to accept because your desires and EGO rebel and tell you to throw caution to the wind and more often than not you give in and  you end up living the consequences of your mistakes. 

 In college, you see others  smoke, you see people using drugs and you think it's cool to have a taste of the thrill and despite the  many entreats, "please son, stay straight - take care of your future", you  refused to listen. And so, some join the scores of addicts in the centres or worse the alleys and back lanes..their future totally thrashed up -breaking the hearts of  their loved ones.  

In the adult section of the pool......Hei, guys this will take a whole book or more...let's just leave you to explore the implications on your own ...why you should befriend Truth". 

YT signs out with a little reminder that Truths are normally very painful and hard to accept at the precise moment they hit  you because no matter what -you'll  feel let down, betrayed xtra... you will raged-"he call himself a friend?? Bullshit!! but afterwards, when you look back, it's thank God, you were so mean to me...if not for you..I will not be what I'm today. Ever felt that way?? Or are you the "If only, I've listened to you??" Time yet to apologise to self and make something of yourself!! 

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