Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friends or Foes?

Are you sure the gentle pussy cat
is not the evil witch who will eat you up??
When to speak and who to confide in? Words spoken with the best of intentions and the sincerity of heart could be misconstrued and turned into "chopped onions for the cooking of others". Society is full of agendas, everyone is cooking up something, one way or another and you never know if you have wandered too near somebody's cooking pot and you get burnt.

 I'm still into days past when sincerity and privacy were huge and  prized .  I'm a die hard fan of ,"there is  goodness in everyone".  BUT, I'm now cautioned , you have to be careful who you "unload" your fears and worries to, or even enjoy your light banter with. You could be letting  "enemies" into your inner parlour , unknowingly allowing them to  slice pounds of flesh off you.  :) Kind of , you feel the pain but do not know who is knifing you.   If the world has sunk to that level, can you even recognise the devious in their colourful sheep clothings?

We had an interesting discussion last week. Friends and the loyalty issue. There are two sides to the coin. I'm told, when you are loyal to one camp, you automatically betray the other. No one is completely good or bad; it all depends which angle of the mirror, you are viewing.  What do you believe in? People of  common belief, sees good in each other; thus, they are loyal to one another. To the other other side, you are the bad ones- enemies to be vaporised.  :) Sounds funny, but when I reflect, that is exactly what life is. Taking of sides , the good vs the bad and vice versa, the day and night issue.

Friday, March 14, 2014


What do you think of the MH370 affair, someone asked me...a question not from your everyday kopitam "kaki- the regular "aunties or uncles " you sit down with for coffee, tea or a spot of gossip, but the young people-the youths!! 

A National Disaster that has created so much emotive awareness in a country divided by  racial & political differences!! For the moment there is "peace", a truce of sorts. For the moment, existing ugliness is forgotten, political differences do not matter-we are one people, united in our grief and prayers of hope.All of a sudden, there is this awareness, we are not Chinese, Indian, Malay or other nationalities. Marvellously out of this disaster came the Malaysian spirit, the identity of being Malaysians. We are one Nation, A Family united in grief, watching and waiting anxiously for news and return of loved ones. We,  in one spirit feel for the families and travellers of MH370. 
We are praying and  appreciating prayers from all religion, all races, across all borders...we are welcoming strength from every breath that is Malaysian first and foremost, because we are co-inhabitants and a product of Malaysian soil. We are thankful for the support of the technically more advanced nations, who have rallied around to help and as a Nation we thank them.

The world recognises us as Malaysians and addresses us as such. We looked anxiously at our leaders, how they will stand up to the full glare of  world focus. 

If we criticise them at this time, it is more of how they handle the situation, but the protectiveness is very apparent. 

It is more of come on, Malaysia...this is a Malaysian aircraft..get the correct answers ...provide the right answers. Very crucial -Foremost -must be  the thoughts and care for the families of those on board MH370. It is the responsibility of Malaysia to find that aircraft and find it quickly..whatever the circumstance, whatever the cost. 

Come on Malaysia, the families and those on board MH370 depend on you! The Nation and the world awaits!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Free flow thoughts about Writing, teaching

Dramas, shocking the senses out of people...invoking  your reader's feelings......writing tips are aplenty  in the Owl's bible. I've tried just about every techniques taught..yes..certainly passionate words do appeal to readers, but there is also the danger that people identify and associate you with those scenarios described  ....that  so touched their hearts.....because they sounded so real,  it could only be something in the writer's own life.  Is it? Is the writer really talking about himself/herself or it is just an article or a blog? Keep an open mind when reading thoughts and views. Opinion articles are more for the sharing and best read for the enjoyment and the awakening of the mind.

Stories, thoughts, and views are the easiest to write, because they are your opinions and your creations. They do not need the formality of evidence unless you want to provide more authentic reading. What you think is personal, nothing to do with facts, more the feelings. But  with facts article and academic writing, it is  is another matter-you do need the facts, the support evidence, your source is from another person and .credit must be accorded.

I've have always been a free and easy  writer and I'm best when my thoughts are allowed to flow naturally into  their own conclusions.But I'm learning that for the factual, you need referencing, you need citation...tough going for a person who is used to the " open and the wilds"  but it feels  so good once you have successfully embedded those "academics"  into your piece of work...even if it is just  a couple-or a  handful.

Additionally, good mentors makes all the difference. It is not the strings of academic achievements a person has that makes a notable educator, it is definitely his knowledge BUT more his  skilful application of  that knowledge in a polish delivery that makes the distinction. That is what transforms facts, theories  into  easy to digest and consumable learning. I've picked up some valuable tips of good teaching from my teach is also to learn and keep on improving. To be conscious of the needs of  those under your charge-the responsibilities entrusted us.

There is a popular belief that everyone can teach, that's why previously, the average had been pushed into teaching. and that's why teachers are so poorly paid. Well, if you give them "average", "pay them average", you get average. For illustration, just look at what we have produced..a sea of unemployable...Alright! , alright!! Maybe there is a hint of "dramatics" there. Let's "ping" up the  credits as well. We do have brilliant teachers and educators, no question about it and it is because of them that we also  have fantastic students but MORE is the word..if we want a smarter future generation. Take care of  teachers and  educators too- you who sit upstairs-they need appreciation too!!