Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A senior's voice

There is a feminist movement, throughout the world and they are getting stronger by the day...BUT there is yet an empowered movement for the seniors who are gaining in numbers every minute of the day. 

We are an ageing population and yet there are so few amenities to create new living for seniors who have contributed to their family, society and the nation and now "retired" from employment. Or is it abandoned after their usefulness is deemed over? Hei, latest- they are talking about living a 100 years and beyond.  

Those who think they could survive on their meagre savings, think again. Look at your horizons again. 

The world looks on seniors as burdens, no more useful, their minds completely"picked out"-devoid of intellectual ideas.-their physics are a shadow of their youthful days-frames that spoke of robust and energy of  the yesterdays. Well, if their minds are now empty, who "picked their minds??" Are people not enjoying the fruits of these " picked minds" in their daily  living?? Now it's time for society to return the favour. Lend a creative helping hand-beyond the sprinkling of a few dollars and cents.

Even the provisions set up by the few far sighted politicians and NGOs borders on "living in the passive -in the shadows, the imagery of  society's cast off-dependants." Of course there is care, there is responsibility towards the ageing but not enough is being done to encourage the art of fishing. 

Empowerment through education for instance.  Not so obvious in our nation.They still demand  seniors pay a big chunk (those who turned to life long learning) for their "fishing rods". I was with this friend...her views were similar to mine- she is a senior too and she had to dig out of  her limited savings fund. 

I spoke to a was no problems..he is still actively employed, he is on preparatory mode, preparing for the  setting  of sun. Wise man. A few others.... though, they have their own businesses, agree that more could be done for seniors because-the majority needs help..seniors need energising -they need a powerful dose of "Q10 and the anti-ageing agents " to keep them going financially secured, independent  and in good health well into their twilight years-especially now that "twilight" has been redefined from 60 to  perhaps 80 and above. 

The government, society and various institutions could do much to help. 

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