Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hello, Blogger!

Blogger is getting more interactive and happening and I have yet to learn the new power tools, they have equipped us with..

This is a Info Message from Blogger for those into blogging and did not notice their posting. 
Adding pages to your blog can be a great way to organize content - like ‘About me’ or ‘Advertise’ sections. To make managing pages easier, we redesigned the ‘Pages’ tab in the Blogger dashboard to make it look and feel more like something you’re already familiar with: managing posts. With the new design, you can: - view important details about your pages like view count and comments - manage multiple pages at once with new selection tools - easily see whether pages are in draft, imported, or published states Happy blogging! Posted by Cal Smith and Katrina Le

Hei, Blogger,  we could certainly do with more conversations, more sharing  like what we get in Google plus and face book-engaging! Somehow, the inclusion of family, friends, groups, a wider audience  adds to the appeal! It is the response and the remarks, the comments that lends colours to your page, and your thoughts. I have been with Blogger for so long and frankly I have not moved from the passive to the active and the engaging yet. It would be great if Blogger  really flourishes in her maturity and we get to do some real fun things. Sure we have so many other platforms, but this is about making Blogger more dynamic  right??

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