Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brethen we have been called..

No one comes to me unless the Father who sents me, draws him John 6:44

 What powerful words and truly, we have been called and chosen  to walk  LOVE in God's Holy Name. . I tell you brothers and sisters, giving love unconditionally in our own human way, is hard enough, our very being rebel, when the" You"  became first and the "I"  forced last.  ... " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I loved you...John 34 ...That kind of love means, turning the other cheek... putting oneself last, others first.... placing God in the centre of our heart and just let his Holy Spirit  breathe the grace of giving into our  being. It is a tough act to follow, People,  believe me ! If put to the test, we will all score zero! And  I  for one confess I will score a double zero! the spirit of goodness has yet to fill me!.And that  brings home the realisation that we need God in our lives, we need to be reconciled and connected with our God, each and every day of our lives, if we are to receive the peace given us. ...

I was at the LSS Seminar on Sunday, and this very charismatic speaker quoted John 7: 37-38 " If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said-out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water" Wow! and believe it or not, at that moment, such a thirst came upon me..that I crave desperately for some water to drink...I held on for as long as possible but the tongue became so dry, it was literally hollering for water...that I had no choice but to leave the hall in search of some water to quench my thirst and thank the good Lord, I found water, plenty of sweet water outside. A message from someone above????Life, you are a maze of limitations, so many needs, so many wants, so many obligations, so many desires......most of us are hampered and side-tracked and only those truly called to serve have that strong conviction to religiously carry out his commandment of love and those are the people who have made church what it is..God bless those already serving the kingdom of God and those who will be called to serve.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Voice from the Ground-Keep the PMR

We cry for the lost of quality education, standards, and excellence. We lament the sliding Grades and devaluation of   our "honours", our" distinctions", our "As", our very qualifications and system of education. We have a sea of  unemployed graduates out there, not employable because, they lack the skills, the know-how,the expertise to hold a job, perform  and live up to the responsibilities that comes with an assigned designation and salaried employment. Our young people lack language fluency, especially English, the global language. Shocking as it may seemed, some could hardly read and write well ... and they are graduans. And some quarters talk about  scraping basic examinations??

We used to have the Lower Certificate of Education, the O levels, the Cambridge examinations etc...and our graduates were quality stuff  We amazed our foreign counterparts with our command of English, our competence in our technical subjects and  skills. We took the examinations, and  the various activities that came with schooling  in our stride and we  did not complain of exam related stress. We flew sky high with the eagles and were eager to work hard and excel. We were of high calibre and standards and this was reflected in the many strong and capable leaders, world class professionals and business brains, we so proudly acknowledged.

Today, many of our  young had to be retrained after graduating before they could hope to be employed..and  that too with the UPSR and PMR ongoing.   With examinations, there is at least some sort of motivation to study and  some level of written knowledge and skills achieved, understanding of  theories and formulas and this knowledge will stand them in good stead later on in life. These are tools to help young people become useful citizens and individuals. Without the motivation of examinations, many may not care at all,   if they studied or not , if they are able to read at all. A free flow right up to the fifth form and God help them if by then they had not attain the basic level of education. It will be a  free fall ......and who suffers??? Not only the young people but their aged parents, and ultimately the nation. Sure we will always have  exceptions, sure we will have parents who will sent their children to private schools and even overseas but the majority cannot afford to do that. And the majority make up the people of  this nation.

Perhaps it would be better to rethink the  number of subjects .and what subjects . It would be better to let teachers teach  and help their students more, instead of loading them with so much administrative and paper work which totally disorientates and take their focus off their actual responsibility's that is TO TEACH and EDUCATE our young.

Those of you who clapped and cheered when they heard this proposed plan, think again!! We do not want to cultivate a culture where our young people do not know the meaning of hard work..and  the satisfaction of achievement through their own blood and sweat; .we do not want a future where our young people had it so easy they do not know how to survive on their own, let alone be a part of our nation's  good substance and essence;  the solid foundation which will allow this nation   to stand tall , firm and proud for many generations to come.

This voice from the ground says, scrap the UPSR if you must, but replace it with an internal examination and grading system in Year Six, ....perhaps there is logic there,  but PMR must stay.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

LSS-Inner Healing

Powerful praise and worship.Prodigal Apostles! And Brother Anthony, you were awesome when you led us into Inner Healing. Everyone present tonight, without any exception has hidden  inner pains , hurts and guilt which has to be released. To Forgive  and be forgiven. To be healed and be free of negativeness and for many present tonight, their hearts had been touched and brokenness healed in Jesus's Name. This night, will be remembered. Thank you for an amazing session!

Happy Father's Day!

"For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God" Psalm 62. Indeed, don't we all pine and thirst for the presence of the Lord God in our lives??. No one can claim, He does not need God, for where is he to walk if he has no light to guide him and show him the way??? Man cannot walk in darkness, he will be perpetually stumbling and falling. And how is he to thrive without the light and living waters of life??? God with us,  brings in the goodness that makes it possible for us to complete the journey  designed us, conquering challenges and obstacles, ensuring a safe passage home. He provides, He Shelters, He gives life its meaning. Yes, A Loving Father in everyway.  On this day, let us remember GOD, THE FATHER,  in a very special way, so that His blessings be with  us  and each and every deserving fathers of this universe. 


Friday, June 18, 2010

Very ordinary and simple thoughts for wage earners, people on the ground

YT say it again, in ordinary, layman terms. also .provide relief to the lower middle income poor and the  middle income group as a whole. Tax relief is one but other modes of relief and assistance should be made available, after all, income is very much fixed and prices and expenditure accelerate never ending. ...Pray let me know how  we could  keep our heads above water, if the ruling elects do not act in the interest of the people, and the nation, irrespective, race, colour, creed, and so on ????We can only pull through if the core of the problem is identified and put right,  every aspect of wastage is minimized if not eliminated.  and these savings poured back into reserves or channelled and allocated to the the deserving sectors. The rich share their plentiful with their less fortunate fellow men...How???  scrutinize and initiate the giving...whatever mode would be fine...Is there any cap firm enough to stop the crazy rise in prices  and deteriorating quality and standards?? Everything applies. Far=sightedness is a virtue because any policy implemented or changed affects our growth, our development and education is one sector, no  words...could describe the lament ..everyone could see the difference in standards from the good old days and now...
There are a growing number of retirees, without sufficient savings to live through their twilight years...golden years are more cold and anxious .....than carefree.....a time to relax after a lifelong struggle to bring up the family etc....is anything being done to provide warmth to this group of people, without whom there would be no younger generation and the nation would not have seen the light of 53 and more to come??Senior citizen clubs are only good for those with sufficient savings to enjoy the facilities provided by these clubs....but there are thousands out there, who cannot afford to retire, let alone think about joining a club and taking it easy...

Daily our safety are being compromised, high prices, lack of income and  no employment  has seen crime rates increasing...nobody feels safe anymore, and they advised us to exercise more for good health???? What is the use of beautiful playgrounds if we are afraid to venture out???Why even  taxi drivers have turned rapists and who would ever thought  that the sound of a motorcycle could  cause such terror and  the downpour of cold sweat??? too many illegals encroaching on the meals of the rightful citizens???Is anything being done to correct these disturbing trends ??? The rise in school and college bullies???Where did we go wrong???Remember, our young are the nation of tomorrow. sound education , diction ,good moral  and character development, understanding and tolerance  produces  wise  people of substance building up a firm and stable nation.

Religious freedom and respect because God is the balance that enables the country, the world to evolve and revolve  in peace.. ...and in the right direction.

Start from the ground level, treat the soil , destroy the disease and viruses...fertilize and enrich it first, before good seeds could be sown  and good harvest reap. It is never too late to plant good seeds and implement changes beneficial to all across the board. It is definitely  no mean task and only the brave, the far-sighted , the determined and truly committed dare tread where  termites have dominated but treat the land you must if it is to remain fertile and rich in harvest, its people  well taken care of...united, happy, contented, ..harmonious-  equal beings - ONE  NATION., ONE PEOPLE.. 

Monday, June 14, 2010


The echoing anxieties from the people on the ground...filled the front and second  pages of " The Star" today... the grouses and despair of ordinary working people like you and me..that is, if you are an ordinary working individual just like me....not the money bags.... .making ends meet is really getting tougher by the day......The Star says.. someone having a household income of RM9K per month, cries, he is unable to make ends meet???? so what about others.....the  pitiful lower end middle income group  and those earning just a fraction of the RM9K???  That includes Yours Truly and many of her friends as well.. and we have to look into petrol, toll and of course, the daily lunches and breakfast to keep us going through the day...We have not even touched on utilities yet......Indeed prices  of essentials had gone up so much..it is mind boggling . An average of 5% annually????? Hello, do you shop for essentials??????  People who shop and do the wet and dry marketing....are you  heavily laden??? Having a hard time, holding up the heavy weight  pressing down on you?????? YT is ....quashed flat,,,are you???

The wages that we earn today..just do not have the pre 1998, Energizer stretch...,, or not so  ancient years ago, say two years ago..... the value, the purchasing power of the same wages and salaries earned have diminished so much that RM100/- is just a sneeze!!!!And they plan to burden us further???? have a heart!!!

 They talk about feeling the pinch???? That certainly is  not a pinch....that terminology  is outdated in today price madness scenario ...for those who are starting out.... ,those with a family to support, children to educate...or just for  survival..etc..etc..it is more...the sharp knife of Shylock....itching to  slice that pound of flesh....

This issue is non racial...every working class suffers...every parent and child suffers.......Stop the deteriorating purchasing power, curb the inflation....put a brake on the spiralling prices  else we may have  "Banana" notes floating in this beautiful land of ours...We love you Malaysia! STAND SOLID AND FIRM, STAY BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Eucharistic Celebrations - Sunday 13th June 2010

Sharp 7.00a.m. and mass begins. A beautiful message, interesting Homily.... that  got YT thinking on the meaning of sinners. As usual, she would side tracked and  her brains would draw something  totally different on the canvas. Two Thousand years ago, could it be that sinners, refers to the ordinary working class, people who needed to work in order to survive,  speaking and walking  as required,  the nature of their work therefore they are branded sinners,...... and the righteous??? the priestly class,,,,,Pharisees.....who thought they were holy and above everyone else.......not unlike the caste system, or the era of masters and slaves eh???.......Could it be that the term Sinners was just a classification, to differentiate the priestly class with the ordinary people on the street?????. Ordinary humans are weak and yes,,,,we do sin everyday, whether in thoughts , in words, or deeds./// ////the Bible spoke of a certain Mary who was a sinner. but did not specify what sort of sinner she was, but people assumed, she was the sinner with a capital P but  who said she was??? Human minds imagines and make its own conclusion and if we look at it in a straight line, those who assumed what she was, were actually guilty of passing  judgement, rightly or wrongly concluded.  

That's was one aspect of the homecoming Eucharistic celebration Sunday last, the other, .....was the enormous change in the appearance and atmosphere of the church building and the celebrations itself. As YT closes her eyes, for a moment, her mind drifted back to the times she first stole into the church building and was so much in awe of the surrounding, the statues, the cool interior...the  very holy presence of  the Father and the holy angels..how the first feeling of deep love was invoked , and that  feeling had kept her going back to the Catholic church all these years....The beautiful church building is now gone...replaced by a bigger, spacious church building, but sadly, the beautiful, awesome, mystical feeling, she experienced as a child  had gone...her heart bled for a special building which had made way for modernisation  but  sigh....that is the consequences of entering through the passage of time, when scenes changes with each tick tock of time..

The priest's home, which looked so majestic and welcoming once upon a time..now looked worn out, tired and old...the Joseph or is it the St.Joseph's  gift house it is now called . That was the place, she first drank English tea  complimented with scones and yum...was it something to die for. And the church grounds??? the vastness ???? what happened to the large grounds...She so badly wanted to ask but would anyone care to share???

No matter the feeling, the spirit,  heart  and being went in and sought reconciliation and hands lifted  to be clasped and embraced. She has come home Father......and though the Church of St. Francis De Sales will only celebrate Father's Day next week end...to YT, it is Father's Day everyday, if Love is met and returned wholesomely.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

First Friday, Holy Hour

Is there a purpose, this journey given  me Lord??? I know and I believe there is and yet I wondered and I asked why all the time, when the sight clouds, the heart breaks and tomorrow becomes an anxiety ...when friends turn out to be wolves in sheep's clothing's, when life disillusions....And then, I am reminded that my God stands with me and His Hand leads me , whatever the paths ....I need not be afraid because His Very Presence is with me....and suddenly...... comfort flows in and gratitude gushes forth in tears of joy......It is grace that brought me to thee Lord and grace will surely see me safely home  ....Thank you Lord God!

Did  you teared as well,  my brothers and sisters? Did an ocean of humbleness engulf you and suddenly you felt the love, the presence of God in your very existence,,,images flashing forth- the many, many times, He soothes and cares for you, when you were down, out and in pain??? How he calms the raging storm and guide your boat into calm and smooth waters??? It's the Divine Awareness, gifted us and People, it is also the promise magnifested that we are His people, his children and He is our God.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grouses - A jumble mambo jambo

People, did it occur to anyone out there, that we are heading backwards, that development had actually caused more sink holes than concrete roads. That there is  actually  a detoriation in just about  everything good???What is happening to this knowledge world??? With all the advancement in science , knowledge and technology it  should  be galloping forward instead we actually see it  sliding backwards.... the  junks and poor man's food of yesteryears  had become  a luxury in this sophisticated world???. That we use more plastics and the artificials than the real authentic stuff, we so took for granted ???  That Standards and quality in just about everything  are going, going...gone???

Once upon a time, school means education in every sense ...besides passing exams and getting those valued degrees..... we  cultivate friendship,  honour, respect , discipline, moral , social interaction, brotherhood etc..etc... We do not see colour or race. We do not see religion. We only saw the smiles  and hands clasped in friendship   and friendships very  often lasted a life time.

We all had very rounded education, textbook knowledge and excellence, handicraft, cooking, sports, extra activities...they were value added distinction in our lives and   we become better persons and  people of substance after the years of primary, secondary and college years are over. Today, local Education has lost its prestigious glow...quality has fallen due to the numerous change in policies , etc...etc..The Cs and D's of the good old days has become the A's and B's of today, and sadly that has changed  the meaning of the word "distinction and honours". Yesterday, we so look up to a Degree...today, they are asking for Masters and PhD and  degree holders had to be retrained in order that they are fit for employment....

Yesterday,  people  understood discipline and abide by them. Today,  we are so aware of  our rights, so pompous that teachers can no longer discipline or cane their students..and .the end results??? "spare the rod and spoilt the child" consequences in just about every school.. Now rapes even take place in school!!! extortion , drugs,,,you name it....and teachers get threatened and assaulted....It makes one wonder ..whether we should bring back the old system where heads of schools are allowed to discipline their students without getting into trouble with the authorities......We had less crimes, we had less negativeness ....we had  more excellence and alot more contenment.

Yesterday, one cent was of considerable value, we could buy an ice cream potong....and five cents could get one - a bowl  of of noodles and drinks during recess at school. Today, your fifty bucks cannot even last a snore! And they talk about removing subsidies .....