Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grouses - A jumble mambo jambo

People, did it occur to anyone out there, that we are heading backwards, that development had actually caused more sink holes than concrete roads. That there is  actually  a detoriation in just about  everything good???What is happening to this knowledge world??? With all the advancement in science , knowledge and technology it  should  be galloping forward instead we actually see it  sliding backwards.... the  junks and poor man's food of yesteryears  had become  a luxury in this sophisticated world???. That we use more plastics and the artificials than the real authentic stuff, we so took for granted ???  That Standards and quality in just about everything  are going, going...gone???

Once upon a time, school means education in every sense ...besides passing exams and getting those valued degrees..... we  cultivate friendship,  honour, respect , discipline, moral , social interaction, brotherhood etc..etc... We do not see colour or race. We do not see religion. We only saw the smiles  and hands clasped in friendship   and friendships very  often lasted a life time.

We all had very rounded education, textbook knowledge and excellence, handicraft, cooking, sports, extra activities...they were value added distinction in our lives and   we become better persons and  people of substance after the years of primary, secondary and college years are over. Today, local Education has lost its prestigious glow...quality has fallen due to the numerous change in policies , etc...etc..The Cs and D's of the good old days has become the A's and B's of today, and sadly that has changed  the meaning of the word "distinction and honours". Yesterday, we so look up to a Degree...today, they are asking for Masters and PhD and  degree holders had to be retrained in order that they are fit for employment....

Yesterday,  people  understood discipline and abide by them. Today,  we are so aware of  our rights, so pompous that teachers can no longer discipline or cane their students..and .the end results??? "spare the rod and spoilt the child" consequences in just about every school.. Now rapes even take place in school!!! extortion , drugs,,,you name it....and teachers get threatened and assaulted....It makes one wonder ..whether we should bring back the old system where heads of schools are allowed to discipline their students without getting into trouble with the authorities......We had less crimes, we had less negativeness ....we had  more excellence and alot more contenment.

Yesterday, one cent was of considerable value, we could buy an ice cream potong....and five cents could get one - a bowl  of of noodles and drinks during recess at school. Today, your fifty bucks cannot even last a snore! And they talk about removing subsidies .....

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