Friday, June 18, 2010

Very ordinary and simple thoughts for wage earners, people on the ground

YT say it again, in ordinary, layman terms. also .provide relief to the lower middle income poor and the  middle income group as a whole. Tax relief is one but other modes of relief and assistance should be made available, after all, income is very much fixed and prices and expenditure accelerate never ending. ...Pray let me know how  we could  keep our heads above water, if the ruling elects do not act in the interest of the people, and the nation, irrespective, race, colour, creed, and so on ????We can only pull through if the core of the problem is identified and put right,  every aspect of wastage is minimized if not eliminated.  and these savings poured back into reserves or channelled and allocated to the the deserving sectors. The rich share their plentiful with their less fortunate fellow men...How???  scrutinize and initiate the giving...whatever mode would be fine...Is there any cap firm enough to stop the crazy rise in prices  and deteriorating quality and standards?? Everything applies. Far=sightedness is a virtue because any policy implemented or changed affects our growth, our development and education is one sector, no  words...could describe the lament ..everyone could see the difference in standards from the good old days and now...
There are a growing number of retirees, without sufficient savings to live through their twilight years...golden years are more cold and anxious .....than carefree.....a time to relax after a lifelong struggle to bring up the family anything being done to provide warmth to this group of people, without whom there would be no younger generation and the nation would not have seen the light of 53 and more to come??Senior citizen clubs are only good for those with sufficient savings to enjoy the facilities provided by these clubs....but there are thousands out there, who cannot afford to retire, let alone think about joining a club and taking it easy...

Daily our safety are being compromised, high prices, lack of income and  no employment  has seen crime rates increasing...nobody feels safe anymore, and they advised us to exercise more for good health???? What is the use of beautiful playgrounds if we are afraid to venture out???Why even  taxi drivers have turned rapists and who would ever thought  that the sound of a motorcycle could  cause such terror and  the downpour of cold sweat??? too many illegals encroaching on the meals of the rightful citizens???Is anything being done to correct these disturbing trends ??? The rise in school and college bullies???Where did we go wrong???Remember, our young are the nation of tomorrow. sound education , diction ,good moral  and character development, understanding and tolerance  produces  wise  people of substance building up a firm and stable nation.

Religious freedom and respect because God is the balance that enables the country, the world to evolve and revolve  in peace.. ...and in the right direction.

Start from the ground level, treat the soil , destroy the disease and viruses...fertilize and enrich it first, before good seeds could be sown  and good harvest reap. It is never too late to plant good seeds and implement changes beneficial to all across the board. It is definitely  no mean task and only the brave, the far-sighted , the determined and truly committed dare tread where  termites have dominated but treat the land you must if it is to remain fertile and rich in harvest, its people  well taken care of...united, happy, contented, ..harmonious-  equal beings - ONE  NATION., ONE PEOPLE.. 

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