Monday, June 14, 2010


The echoing anxieties from the people on the ground...filled the front and second  pages of " The Star" today... the grouses and despair of ordinary working people like you and me..that is, if you are an ordinary working individual just like me....not the money bags.... .making ends meet is really getting tougher by the day......The Star says.. someone having a household income of RM9K per month, cries, he is unable to make ends meet???? so what about others.....the  pitiful lower end middle income group  and those earning just a fraction of the RM9K???  That includes Yours Truly and many of her friends as well.. and we have to look into petrol, toll and of course, the daily lunches and breakfast to keep us going through the day...We have not even touched on utilities yet......Indeed prices  of essentials had gone up so is mind boggling . An average of 5% annually????? Hello, do you shop for essentials??????  People who shop and do the wet and dry marketing....are you  heavily laden??? Having a hard time, holding up the heavy weight  pressing down on you?????? YT is ....quashed flat,,,are you???

The wages that we earn today..just do not have the pre 1998, Energizer stretch...,, or not so  ancient years ago, say two years ago..... the value, the purchasing power of the same wages and salaries earned have diminished so much that RM100/- is just a sneeze!!!!And they plan to burden us further???? have a heart!!!

 They talk about feeling the pinch???? That certainly is  not a pinch....that terminology  is outdated in today price madness scenario ...for those who are starting out.... ,those with a family to support, children to educate...or just for is more...the sharp knife of Shylock....itching to  slice that pound of flesh....

This issue is non racial...every working class suffers...every parent and child suffers.......Stop the deteriorating purchasing power, curb the inflation....put a brake on the spiralling prices  else we may have  "Banana" notes floating in this beautiful land of ours...We love you Malaysia! STAND SOLID AND FIRM, STAY BEAUTIFUL!!!!

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