Monday, June 14, 2010

Eucharistic Celebrations - Sunday 13th June 2010

Sharp 7.00a.m. and mass begins. A beautiful message, interesting Homily.... that  got YT thinking on the meaning of sinners. As usual, she would side tracked and  her brains would draw something  totally different on the canvas. Two Thousand years ago, could it be that sinners, refers to the ordinary working class, people who needed to work in order to survive,  speaking and walking  as required,  the nature of their work therefore they are branded sinners,...... and the righteous??? the priestly class,,,,,Pharisees.....who thought they were holy and above everyone else.......not unlike the caste system, or the era of masters and slaves eh???.......Could it be that the term Sinners was just a classification, to differentiate the priestly class with the ordinary people on the street?????. Ordinary humans are weak and yes,,,,we do sin everyday, whether in thoughts , in words, or deeds./// ////the Bible spoke of a certain Mary who was a sinner. but did not specify what sort of sinner she was, but people assumed, she was the sinner with a capital P but  who said she was??? Human minds imagines and make its own conclusion and if we look at it in a straight line, those who assumed what she was, were actually guilty of passing  judgement, rightly or wrongly concluded.  

That's was one aspect of the homecoming Eucharistic celebration Sunday last, the other, .....was the enormous change in the appearance and atmosphere of the church building and the celebrations itself. As YT closes her eyes, for a moment, her mind drifted back to the times she first stole into the church building and was so much in awe of the surrounding, the statues, the cool interior...the  very holy presence of  the Father and the holy the first feeling of deep love was invoked , and that  feeling had kept her going back to the Catholic church all these years....The beautiful church building is now gone...replaced by a bigger, spacious church building, but sadly, the beautiful, awesome, mystical feeling, she experienced as a child  had gone...her heart bled for a special building which had made way for modernisation  but  sigh....that is the consequences of entering through the passage of time, when scenes changes with each tick tock of time..

The priest's home, which looked so majestic and welcoming once upon a looked worn out, tired and old...the Joseph or is it the St.Joseph's  gift house it is now called . That was the place, she first drank English tea  complimented with scones and yum...was it something to die for. And the church grounds??? the vastness ???? what happened to the large grounds...She so badly wanted to ask but would anyone care to share???

No matter the feeling, the spirit,  heart  and being went in and sought reconciliation and hands lifted  to be clasped and embraced. She has come home Father......and though the Church of St. Francis De Sales will only celebrate Father's Day next week YT, it is Father's Day everyday, if Love is met and returned wholesomely.

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