Saturday, February 26, 2011

For God alone, my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from Him, He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I shall  not be shaken. On God rests my deliverance and my honour; my mighty rock, my refuge is GOD

Psalms 62-5:7

So many anxieties ....and why are we anxious when God is our refuge and our mighty rock??The food that we eat, the clothes that we wear...what tomorrow will bring....Matthew 6:24-34 tells us...let tomorrow worry about itself...each day has enough trouble of  its own.God knows what we need for our daily subsistence and He provides, just
as he does the birds of the air; the lilies and flowers of the fields... see how wonderfully serene, they and  at peace....and so should we be, folks. should we be......Have we not been told that man plans but God decides????

Why then do man- us humans insist on running around in circles, totally ignoring the  grace  of faith-  standing by in ready mode ready to actualize , to crystallize, what trust brings , that peace forever walks  by our side ??? 

Monday, February 21, 2011

ALPHA is getting to know Jesus once again..Sure, we all know who He is, ya, we heard of His Name often enough .....we are Catholics, we are Christians- are we not?? and we celebrate Eucharist, every weekend....don't we??? So why the heck are they conducting  something so very  elementary??? Why are they teaching and sharing what we already know so much about??? Nothing better to do!! That was this Writer's  first thought two years ago when Alpha was first introduced..and .she was quick to close all doors.... Last year, she was still laughing at those mad hatters, privately of course....

But, that has since changed.  One day,after mass ,she sought out   the shepherd of the house, intending to seek some wisdom , but of course...that did not happen because,  by co-incidence   others   too, wanted his attention . Now, by nature this Autumner wasn't the patient type to wait in line.......and .as she stood impatiently by,  her attention was caught by  some colourful news letters.....placed on the tables outside......The Alpha News copies...Out of curiosity, she picked up a copy stirred week saw her picking up another copy....She was inspired and fascinated by the testimonies .....and that  saw her exploring Alpha.
She like Nicky Gumbel. He reintroduces the person of a different and marvellous way...(First session itself) She was fascinated by the way  Nicky Gumbel.... presented  the person of  Jesus who came 2000 years ago....  very down to earth .... interesting tense ....the teachings, the good news became more pronounced, and alive  -  it was.... inspiring...and...most  refreshing....It is not so much about being holy or pious.....,it is about taking a decisive step to activate a good change into your life, whether you are someone who has totally no idea who Jesus was, or you are someone who had known him but had lost him somewhere along your journey...or you could be an  active and practicing Christian, only you do not know Him, as well as you thought you did...OR you want to serve God through the ALPHA way...

From the testimonies of those who had attended Alpha,  (Newsletter) it is  about  opportunity....  giving a new lease of life,  to the lost and burdened, ... it is about.bringing  warmth into lonely hearts..being there when someone. really, really needs is about activating and bringing to life the teachings of the Lord is about love manifesting , bringing oasis into  deserts...finding new meaning, in living this life given us... , bringing about  change and transformation ... ..the Jesus way.

She believes...Alpha has come into her life at this precise moment...for a very definite purpose....and  she has taken that step to journey and rediscover herself...She discovered, there are so many  things about the teachings of the Lord,  Jesus, she does not know.... what means  being a practicing Christian...She discovered that being a believer and His  follower..means being a good neighbour... She discovered that it is not enough to "want to do something" it is about practicing.and .actualizing the want.

The sharing from the Alpha News..has a way of enticing your heart...The journey ahead is  long and winding., the distance unmeasured....we could all do with more hope,  more the good neighbour, (could be us that needs loving and being neighboured !).......fostering the  spirit of kinship ,  .. abstracting meaning and direction to make this journey worthwhile  journeying.

This Writer, She is still searching for  that final piece of puzzle that  clicks and locks in the complete picture and peace.....People! Are you searching for that missing link as well?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Musing for the soul

1 Corinthians 3:16 says, Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you??If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy and that temple you are.

And in 1 Corinthians 3:18, 19 ...we are reminded..." Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with God"

What is it that man thinks and do that God does  not know??? Why is it  that man constantly fight for power and wealth...their human side rising to the fore in full force....stepping on others, stealing from the meek, slander, abuse, maim others, even kill to get their hands on worldly prestige and wealth that they in no way....could take with them at the end of their time??? 

We came into this world with nothing....and empty handed we shall leave...for it is not the body which will return home to the Creator , but the spirit and the soul. The worn out body is discarded along with whatever gold we have acquired.....What the spirit and the soul could take is the fragrance of good works because those actions would have found their way into the Book of Life, and there it would stand  shining even before you were called to account for  life's journey

.It is enough that we have sufficient to nourish ourselves and our enough that God  blesses us with peace and provides our shelter ,sufficient clothings and blankets to keep us warm...If  we are blessed with more....share it with the less fortunate....

Do not steal, especially from those who cannot defend themselves...give credit where credit is due....make it a  point to return excess change to the person who mistakenly gave you more...The difference is a loss to him..and if it is a staff member...he will have to make good the short fall...and that  will be a burden to him.

Do not cheat people especially the poor and those less knowledgeable than ourselves. You may smile your way to the bank..but friends..that action will surely deduct many points off your Book of Life...because that poor person..will find himself out of budget and there will be less food on the table for his household. God's eyes are forever watching and His ears are inclined to the cries of the wronged, whatever the circumstance.

Do not deceive those who put  their utmost trust in you..because their hearts will be broken to pieces and you would have shattered their essence of trust and love , taking away their peace.

1 Cor.3"16 says, we are God's temple...if that is so ..let us on a daily basis,  sanctify the entire premise and keep it clean and cleared  it of  negative intentions as much as we could...Yes, we humans fall like humpty dumpty when temptation seduces , but if we consciously protect God's light within this sanctuary given us, .....Our conscience will tell on us and surely we cannot go too far wrong...Keep Faith Brethen! Peace & God Bless!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring has come and gone,
summer too...
Autumn has settled in
Gracing the months and days
until  winter comes, lording in...
Nature has  her seasons .....
A reason and 
a time for everything...
A time of birth,
a time of growth...
A time for the sun to rise
and set....

Life has its season and its reasons....
We scuttled around endlessly,
creating gardens for those
we hold dear in our lives
Finding contentment in their joys,
Fulfilment just living  life for them..
Until there comes a time...
we cease to exist  for ourselves...
and  forget  who we were.....

But life has a way of waking us
when the season of awakening comes...
and wisdom lends a hand...

A time to pick up the cares of the world
And a time to loosen the chains..discard....
A time when Faith, trust and belief takes
centre position
and God stands firm in our hearts
A time when, we find ourselves irresistibly
drawn to God above.... .
reaching  up for  Higher Hands to lead.. ..
letting go.... the cares and woes
life's journey brought us...
Release, find ourselves once again...
Be the person, God wants us to be
And we surely can, with faith leading  the way...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chap Goh Meh Dinner with Parishioners of HRC

Joyous and very Chinese New Year, that's what the Chap Goh Meh Dinner of Holy Redeemer Church Klang was, Sunday night!.Beautiful band...evergreen memoric melodies....the bonus was two very sporting young ladies belting out Chinese new year songs and modern day favourites! And can they sing!! Move aside Jac Victor!!

And the surprise of the evening???A lovely  Chinese Dance of the Fan performed by an all Indian dancers group-Indian children of a children's home....And do they look Cute and  adorable !!! What a gracious way of sharing goodness, and joy...... of course,  the children's home received a worthy love packet....but it is the happiness on the faces of the children... that counted the most.....the one in a blue moon opportunity to be on stage, dressed in their Sunday beautiful  best, performing to an appreciative audience , acknowledging rounds of applause....

Bet you, those children had very pleasant dreams, that night and  Sunday Feb 13th 2011 will surely remain a cherish memory in their young minds for long long time.....Great idea HRC!!! You made little children very happy!!!

Not only the children..but .this Autumn Rose too -love the festive atmosphere, complete with the sound of "yum seng!" puncturing the festive  air every now and then..... And you know what?? All of us who attended the dinner... received a symbolic good luck angpow. The Parish Priest... very graciously  went round the tables and distributed the very Ang...AngPow! WooohoooWOW!!!Thank you ! 

This Writer and a couple of others who suddenly found themselves children once again,  stood up and unabashedly yelled out to the good Father J....over here Father......double for me Father.....and thank you Father!! ..Ohooo! So very fun! And you too, Nancy, my friend! It was  a lovely evening indeed!!! Thank you and God Bless!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Lourdes Bath Experience

A Spiritual Cleaning and Strengthening-
A Conscious  awakening!
A reinforcement of faith, that's how this Writer's sums up her experience of The Lourdes Bath at Our Lady of Lourdes Klang ...For her, it was a tug of war began with  two whole days of " should I or should I not????..... The crowd....the whole idea of being the skin...... inconvenience of  changing etc...etc..did not appeal to her.....But a gentle voice within persistently calls ...still she resisted....but in the end, the voice won..... .......What began as very hesitant steps became an intriguing and moving experience...

Right after a very Spirit Filled  Eucharistic celebration......this Writer made her way to the healing area...(a replica what they do in Lourdes.)....Funny feeling in the stomach???Not to worry...Scores of helpful, and smiling  earthly angels   around -gently putting  you at,  help,  answer questions...No Nosey Pokers, here.......they were, if she may say so...very professional...It did not take her more than 10 minutes before a lovely sister, lead her into the chapel of adoration to be prayed over....

Awesome !! The lady who prayed over this Writer was very dainty...but she pack a powerhouse....very spontaneous in her prayers...very Spirit surprises her that this Sister prayed the exact concerns she wanted prayed for, even using the words which came into YT's mind! Amazing! Gave her the goose bumps! Afterwards...the changing into appropriate attire for the bath.......again...not more than a few minutes...bravo!! to the team...and then.....the . moment she came for! The  Healing Bath!! As she step under the shower.....she actually took a few steps up  the Faith Ladder, especially after this very prayerful Sister prayed over her and gave her holy water to cleanse herself further!!! She emerged soothed...there is this feeling of being thoroughly cleansed!  Thanks for your assistance guys!!

The Adoration at the Lourdes Chapel is a beautiful, connecting experience. People, you would not want to miss those moments! But you have to come in Faith...then surely God's Hand shall lead you to witness the miracles that Faith brings!

Borrowing the words from the CD of St. Bernadette  and highlighted by the Parish Priest.....FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE, NO EXPLANATION IS REQUIRED, For those who do  not believe, no explanation is sufficient...INDEED!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Lady of Lourdes, Feast Day-OLL Klang

Holy  Mother , Beautiful Lady, how serene and contented you look. Splendid and Regal,surrounded by gorgeous blossoms...lovely, lovely  fresh  roses! And Roses does become you, Lovely lady...what a fine display of adoring rosy colours, deep red, pink and yellow at your feet . Wow! This writer is totally smitten!

And she does feel the warmth of  your grace and prayers Mother,.......else how could  she  explain that tender swirling emotional feeling deep within-  that made her want to reach out and embrace you??? What explanation the love that flows in , clings and  tugs at  her heart as  she stood and prayed  before you???....that  extra-ordinary,  intimate bond, only a child shares with her mother???  The lyrics that gushes forth as she humbly thank you for your love, your care, your grace and never ending prayers for her????Thank you Holy Mother, Thank you God for Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus, our Mother!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frustration speaks!!

Those who travel to work and face the jams day in and day out...Aren't  you people a little tired of  "drivers and travellers" stress and repairs, maintenance, petrol.. etc, etc......eating into  modest and not so modest earnings????...And the time spent breathing in carbon and fumes....Some of her friends think she is crazy to endure such tortures....What to do hor?? Have to eat mah!!!

Think you could relax when you finally crawl into the office, exhausted to the bones, after battling the traffic????? Fat hope! You have to share your working space with Big Brother ...He is  everywhere, eyes and ears big and honing into your every move.. Feel like chatting, downloading to someone over your mobile???Think again! Your private life could easily be broad casted over the loud speaker for all and sundry to savour.....

Enjoy a bit of juicy gossip?? What harm bah???Just between you and me -and the four walls....of your house  mah!!!??? Ah lala!Really???? And you think you are safe in your own home?? Think again!!! Hei, Young people out there, Careful intimate pictures do not end up in U tube! Sigh!!the price we pay for progress and technology....

Oh for the yesterdays  when privacy is our right and such invasions and intrusions were as alien as Mars. Gone were the days, when  private is private and secrets remain in their safe domain ..away from prying eyes and ears..

Privacy where art thou??? Gone!!literally extinct! endangered , a shadow!!! Even the walls and streets have eyes and ears..... some people even think, they have every right to eavesdrop and peep into your private chambers..................... What Colour your undergarments ah?? Sad !!! How Very sad indeed!

That is just frustration speaking and certainly not Marie Lee!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

IS 58:7-10-A Great Promise

Awesome and Awakening..that's just what this Sunday's reading was.. it is  and digest ..... folks.

ISAIAH 58:7-10:-

Fast by sharing your food with the hungry, bring to your house the homeless, clothe the one you see naked and do not turn away from your own kin. Then will your light break forth as the dawn and your healing come in a flash. Your righteousness will be your vanguard, the glory of Yahweh your rearguard,,,Then you will call and Yahweh will answer, you will cry and he will say, I am here!

If you remove from your midst the yoke, the clenched fist and the wicked word, if you share your food with the hungry and give relief to the oppressed, then your light will rise in the dark, your night will be like noon!

I don't know about you folks....but the more YT reads, the more, she discovers how much God cares for the meek and the poor...He tells us to be charitable....he encourages us to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves.... He teaches us that Charity begins at Home....He promises  us His Presence ; that His ears will always be inclined towards us  if we do His Will....Now what more could we ask for, Eh,  Folks???!!

Wisdom from Hagar the Horrible!

Anyone a fan of Hagar the Horrible??Well, today, he was about to invade a castle.. and he expects the defending party to pour hot water over them.....Did he make a run for it??? You got to be joking...  guess what he told his men?? Get your mugs and tea bags is an opportunity to have a cup of  tea ....  Hoh! To think, we could get such fantastic flavours from a comic strip! Incredible !   

A message to Us out there in the jungle,   wherever we are ......" Challenged???.... ,conquer the challenges!!!! look out for opportunities, no matter how tough the terrain........If life gives you lemon...make lemonade....Truly!  Think positive and you invite  positiveness into your life!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A beautiful Chinese New Year Mass, a Blessed start to a New Year! Coming before God, on this very auspicious day is in itself a blessing......The morning's reminder that our God is a  God of Blessings, is a  reassurance...and a great feeling! The heart is at peace, there is a confidence that God's face is   turned in our direction and His smile favours us,  we, the people, who places so much of trust in Him! Blessed be God forever!

Kong Hei Fatt Choy!!!

A New Year for the Chinese ! Here comes the Rabbit bouncing in!! Greetings! Loved Ones and Friends! Kong Hei Fatt Choy and the best of the season and of the year!

It was raining and gloomy weather for so, so many days...carrying the umbrella has become a habit...but the dark clouds dispersed and the sun rose up shining bright and clear on Chinese New Year Eve and today, the 1st day of CNY,  it is still glorious sunshine ! Awesome! Shall we give a round of applause to Someone above??     Yeah!!

So much has been written about the Rabbit, even the Herald, the Catholic weekly -devoted one page to this gentle creature...Friends, this is a year to pray and devote more time to God...charitable acts ...spiritual strengthening. The flooding around the world and in our own country tells their own story and warning....the volcanic eruptions...the on and so forth...Folks...It is a time to conserve and preserve and strengthen relationship, build solid foundations, foster goodwill,  spread love.... ...

Marie wishes all- the Wealth of Peace, Health and Love and a year full of God's blessings!!! Happy CNY !!!