Monday, February 21, 2011

ALPHA is getting to know Jesus once again..Sure, we all know who He is, ya, we heard of His Name often enough .....we are Catholics, we are Christians- are we not?? and we celebrate Eucharist, every weekend....don't we??? So why the heck are they conducting  something so very  elementary??? Why are they teaching and sharing what we already know so much about??? Nothing better to do!! That was this Writer's  first thought two years ago when Alpha was first introduced..and .she was quick to close all doors.... Last year, she was still laughing at those mad hatters, privately of course....

But, that has since changed.  One day,after mass ,she sought out   the shepherd of the house, intending to seek some wisdom , but of course...that did not happen because,  by co-incidence   others   too, wanted his attention . Now, by nature this Autumner wasn't the patient type to wait in line.......and .as she stood impatiently by,  her attention was caught by  some colourful news letters.....placed on the tables outside......The Alpha News copies...Out of curiosity, she picked up a copy stirred week saw her picking up another copy....She was inspired and fascinated by the testimonies .....and that  saw her exploring Alpha.
She like Nicky Gumbel. He reintroduces the person of a different and marvellous way...(First session itself) She was fascinated by the way  Nicky Gumbel.... presented  the person of  Jesus who came 2000 years ago....  very down to earth .... interesting tense ....the teachings, the good news became more pronounced, and alive  -  it was.... inspiring...and...most  refreshing....It is not so much about being holy or pious.....,it is about taking a decisive step to activate a good change into your life, whether you are someone who has totally no idea who Jesus was, or you are someone who had known him but had lost him somewhere along your journey...or you could be an  active and practicing Christian, only you do not know Him, as well as you thought you did...OR you want to serve God through the ALPHA way...

From the testimonies of those who had attended Alpha,  (Newsletter) it is  about  opportunity....  giving a new lease of life,  to the lost and burdened, ... it is about.bringing  warmth into lonely hearts..being there when someone. really, really needs is about activating and bringing to life the teachings of the Lord is about love manifesting , bringing oasis into  deserts...finding new meaning, in living this life given us... , bringing about  change and transformation ... ..the Jesus way.

She believes...Alpha has come into her life at this precise moment...for a very definite purpose....and  she has taken that step to journey and rediscover herself...She discovered, there are so many  things about the teachings of the Lord,  Jesus, she does not know.... what means  being a practicing Christian...She discovered that being a believer and His  follower..means being a good neighbour... She discovered that it is not enough to "want to do something" it is about practicing.and .actualizing the want.

The sharing from the Alpha News..has a way of enticing your heart...The journey ahead is  long and winding., the distance unmeasured....we could all do with more hope,  more the good neighbour, (could be us that needs loving and being neighboured !).......fostering the  spirit of kinship ,  .. abstracting meaning and direction to make this journey worthwhile  journeying.

This Writer, She is still searching for  that final piece of puzzle that  clicks and locks in the complete picture and peace.....People! Are you searching for that missing link as well?

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