Sunday, February 20, 2011

Musing for the soul

1 Corinthians 3:16 says, Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you??If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy and that temple you are.

And in 1 Corinthians 3:18, 19 ...we are reminded..." Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with God"

What is it that man thinks and do that God does  not know??? Why is it  that man constantly fight for power and wealth...their human side rising to the fore in full force....stepping on others, stealing from the meek, slander, abuse, maim others, even kill to get their hands on worldly prestige and wealth that they in no way....could take with them at the end of their time??? 

We came into this world with nothing....and empty handed we shall leave...for it is not the body which will return home to the Creator , but the spirit and the soul. The worn out body is discarded along with whatever gold we have acquired.....What the spirit and the soul could take is the fragrance of good works because those actions would have found their way into the Book of Life, and there it would stand  shining even before you were called to account for  life's journey

.It is enough that we have sufficient to nourish ourselves and our enough that God  blesses us with peace and provides our shelter ,sufficient clothings and blankets to keep us warm...If  we are blessed with more....share it with the less fortunate....

Do not steal, especially from those who cannot defend themselves...give credit where credit is due....make it a  point to return excess change to the person who mistakenly gave you more...The difference is a loss to him..and if it is a staff member...he will have to make good the short fall...and that  will be a burden to him.

Do not cheat people especially the poor and those less knowledgeable than ourselves. You may smile your way to the bank..but friends..that action will surely deduct many points off your Book of Life...because that poor person..will find himself out of budget and there will be less food on the table for his household. God's eyes are forever watching and His ears are inclined to the cries of the wronged, whatever the circumstance.

Do not deceive those who put  their utmost trust in you..because their hearts will be broken to pieces and you would have shattered their essence of trust and love , taking away their peace.

1 Cor.3"16 says, we are God's temple...if that is so ..let us on a daily basis,  sanctify the entire premise and keep it clean and cleared  it of  negative intentions as much as we could...Yes, we humans fall like humpty dumpty when temptation seduces , but if we consciously protect God's light within this sanctuary given us, .....Our conscience will tell on us and surely we cannot go too far wrong...Keep Faith Brethen! Peace & God Bless!

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