Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Lourdes Bath Experience

A Spiritual Cleaning and Strengthening-
A Conscious  awakening!
A reinforcement of faith, that's how this Writer's sums up her experience of The Lourdes Bath at Our Lady of Lourdes Klang ...For her, it was a tug of war began with  two whole days of " should I or should I not????..... The crowd....the whole idea of being the skin...... inconvenience of  changing etc...etc..did not appeal to her.....But a gentle voice within persistently calls ...still she resisted....but in the end, the voice won..... .......What began as very hesitant steps became an intriguing and moving experience...

Right after a very Spirit Filled  Eucharistic celebration......this Writer made her way to the healing area...(a replica what they do in Lourdes.)....Funny feeling in the stomach???Not to worry...Scores of helpful, and smiling  earthly angels   around -gently putting  you at,  help,  answer questions...No Nosey Pokers, here.......they were, if she may say so...very professional...It did not take her more than 10 minutes before a lovely sister, lead her into the chapel of adoration to be prayed over....

Awesome !! The lady who prayed over this Writer was very dainty...but she pack a powerhouse....very spontaneous in her prayers...very Spirit surprises her that this Sister prayed the exact concerns she wanted prayed for, even using the words which came into YT's mind! Amazing! Gave her the goose bumps! Afterwards...the changing into appropriate attire for the bath.......again...not more than a few minutes...bravo!! to the team...and then.....the . moment she came for! The  Healing Bath!! As she step under the shower.....she actually took a few steps up  the Faith Ladder, especially after this very prayerful Sister prayed over her and gave her holy water to cleanse herself further!!! She emerged soothed...there is this feeling of being thoroughly cleansed!  Thanks for your assistance guys!!

The Adoration at the Lourdes Chapel is a beautiful, connecting experience. People, you would not want to miss those moments! But you have to come in Faith...then surely God's Hand shall lead you to witness the miracles that Faith brings!

Borrowing the words from the CD of St. Bernadette  and highlighted by the Parish Priest.....FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE, NO EXPLANATION IS REQUIRED, For those who do  not believe, no explanation is sufficient...INDEED!!!

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