Monday, February 7, 2011

IS 58:7-10-A Great Promise

Awesome and Awakening..that's just what this Sunday's reading was.. it is  and digest ..... folks.

ISAIAH 58:7-10:-

Fast by sharing your food with the hungry, bring to your house the homeless, clothe the one you see naked and do not turn away from your own kin. Then will your light break forth as the dawn and your healing come in a flash. Your righteousness will be your vanguard, the glory of Yahweh your rearguard,,,Then you will call and Yahweh will answer, you will cry and he will say, I am here!

If you remove from your midst the yoke, the clenched fist and the wicked word, if you share your food with the hungry and give relief to the oppressed, then your light will rise in the dark, your night will be like noon!

I don't know about you folks....but the more YT reads, the more, she discovers how much God cares for the meek and the poor...He tells us to be charitable....he encourages us to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves.... He teaches us that Charity begins at Home....He promises  us His Presence ; that His ears will always be inclined towards us  if we do His Will....Now what more could we ask for, Eh,  Folks???!!

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