Saturday, October 22, 2011

Back to work again???

It has been three months since this blogger chose to stay home. During this time, she did what she wanted to do, she wrote, she went to a couple of places, she did her round of visiting and attended seminars, the works -lah,! Only she did not  get to sleep as much as she  wanted -would you believe it? She was just too busy and the days were passing faster than when she was working. Now the itch to get back into the work force has resurfaced , ever since the talk emerged that  the private sector might  adopt 60 as the retirement age as well. This writer thought that was a good move and only wished they had taken action earlier. 

First preference was a part time job- that would be ideal- but in this very small town where she lives, part time employers are few, real few, so she is thinking of going back to work  full time again. People prefer full timers, for goodness sake!. ?Goodness know why,  there are so few part-time opportunities out there. A job in home territory??  That would very much depend on how home territory view their  Autumners.  But  she must say, a couple of years more does wonder for the retirement nest-that is , if employers treat seniors the same as their younger staff force and give them the same benefits plus a reasonable pay , not mere pocket money. Healthy seniors are more than capable of producing high quality work!

She would love to be that hawker lady  dishing out her plateful of  chay kueh teow or  open her small fried chicken stall , her fried chicken is really the best! But she guess, nobody wants her to scald and burnt her fingers and hands and you do need home support there. Who knows the first grade butter might just  melt and vapourised into thin air!

Writing was real fun,and addictive-but  best confined to a free period when  she could write the occasional articles whenever inspiration strikes.  More enjoyable that way. In fact, she had more time to blog and rest her eyes when she was working. Now there is like, no blogging time at all.But of course more serious writing takes over.   And again, she is thinking- it's time  she does a bit of volunteer work to give back a little to community.

Contemplating  the options - thinking real hard. See lah!

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