Sunday, October 9, 2011

Guardian Angel

Herald, the  Catholic Weekly ran an article (Oct 9th issue) on the  Pope's call to all Christians - call upon their guardian angels for help throughout their life. The writer remembers as a school girl, she enjoys stories of angels,  believed in them and still do. Being a student of a  mission school, there were plenty of  angels reminders and daily references to angels. If we were ever afraid of any spooky corners in school,, the nuns would ask us, why were we afraid, when we have  guardian angels watching over us. When some one told a lie , did something wrong and  did not  own up to their misdeeds, there were always the reminder, that their guardian angels were crying and hurting because  the guilty ones, were  allowing the black creatures  to lord over their guardian angels and it was pretty mean and bad ... especially  their guardian angels had worked  so hard to look after them, loved  and protected them. . ...Those reminders have kept the school chapel a very popular place to retreat for a session of   guilt healing, plus the opportunity to  own up to any misdeeds.

Angels have always conjured  images of safety, caring , protection was a comfortable feeling.....remember instances when??? you were walking down the  street and a falling flower pot  miss you by just a mere  fraction? Or a car screeched to a halt just before your bumper., avoiding an accident..or you were lost somewhere and crying for deliverance and suddenly out of the blues, you hear a familiar voice? Presence of angels? Decide for yourselves. 

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