Friday, October 28, 2011

Little England

 snow flakes???

It must be   around 13Degrees F, when she first arrived at Fraser Hill ,   over the holiday weekend. The wind chills the bones. It had been pouring earlier, and even after it stopped, the slight dizzle continued. The dark overcast skies, the dense fog ... it almost looked like snow will be forgiven if you thought you were standing on British soil.

An angel called  nephew

Chilly wind swept around you ,leaving a thin layer of mist, damp  upon your upturn face......and you shivered a was  the clue to pull the sweater and hood a little closer......

This Writer was visiting, Little England of Malaysia.....courtesy of her sibling and her family ...She counts her blessings, and she felt so blessed for that kind invitation because that was meant to be a  close family affair. You know,  the type of holiday where you bond in the bliss of  family togetherness. And as she watched the  family showering love  upon their was very special feeling..... gladness....very cherished  and she was thankful, some of  those love rays  embraced her as well...Thank you guys, it was wonderful of you   to invite  aunt along  , to what should have been  just  family bear hugging time-a privilege indeed! God Bless!

In the morning, out in the opened air,  when YT was enjoying the view across the golf course,..... she spotted two  long trails of mist drifting  towards smoke from a breath from huge unseen nostrils........ Mystical and enthralling! Mr. Wind...was gently puffing.... and .it was  marvelously chilly... her face was cold to the touch...great facial therapy! Guaranteed no more open pores!

Nature was at its best..jungle and vegetation surrounds you you have all the comforts of  civilization  too-what more could you wish for?..A fantastic place to connect with higher powers...a wonderful place to absorb some stillness.....and get some balance back into life's living.

The gang took her  trekking along Herman Trail of the many jungle trekking paths available. It was awesome. If it were not for thick blankets of mist and the rain, she would have covered the other jungle paths as well! The waterfall was at its gushing best because of the rain  -It was a very  heavy down pour, indeed.  Even with big shades of umbrellas, we were drenched . But it was a sight to behold and  well worth getting wet..

Hei People! if you are seriously  looking for some peace and togetherness and pure relaxation, pack your bags and head for  our very own Frasers Hill. It is really something  during the cooler get the best of both world-great weather, beautiful greens.  space and time to appreciate nature and  tone that physic of yours. Plus- Plenty of eateries around...western, local Asian dishes......Chinese, Malay and name it....they have it all. But if you prefer  DIY , they have a great place where you could BBQ. Plenty of apartments which allows you to cook too. Check  with the Resort's management office, before you head there.

And People, the Gap House is no more, you now have the convenience of one way up and down the other more waiting time ...You have freedom of travelling up and down any time you fancy.. Though, It is advisable to travel when it is  still bright - the mist and fog could be  impossibly thick, during bad weather- you get blanket in and cannot even see a meter ahead of you. Caution-The road is  too narrow and winding  for you to stop anywhere,stopping would endanger you and others travelling up and down, but once up there, if you are nature lover-it is really quite heavenly!

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