Thursday, October 6, 2011

God is still relevant

Proverbs 19:14 says 
House and wealth are inherited from fathers
but a prudent wife is from the Lord!

Still valid eh folks??.Parents can continue to give, and give and give...but a  good wife, you have to find yourself  and if you are lucky ( shall we say deserving??), it comes gift-wrapped  from heaven..and that person stays by your side,, supportive and loving till death do you part. And we do have much need of such gifts from heaven (gifts of good man and woman)  do we not people? your eyes to .the way modern living is bashing up the marriage institution. Media has it that certain groups in the West is in favour of temporary marriages or rather contract marriages where they do consummate the marriage but it is renewable on a monthly or yearly basis...with no fixed period of time. Any point of time, the "married couple" feels stifled and wants out, they are free to  end the contract and move on...How about that? Too much  liberated use of will- has caused certain group of society to come up with the notion, that it is alright to  introduce new standards for convenience to keep up with the changing needs of people. Do we need such convenience, can we cope with the repercussions-, will such rootlessness  poison instead of benefits?   

To keep up with the advances of the knowledge and technology world...the new rule states that we learn the lingo of the new generation, to bridge the generation gap. But look around you people, the world is becoming more chaotic ...because the new world thinks the wisdom of the old is no longer relevant and the old must cleave to the new. They think - God and religion is a thing of the past-old fashion. In many parts of the world, people are leaving God and striking out on their own, yet  at the same time, may are returning by the troves to touch God again and be re-connect back to him.. After a liberated period of  self destruction , they find themselves sinking and unable to cope with the darkness surrounding them, and the  loss of peace which they have taken for granted, while He was with them.  They seek out gurus, they search the world for answers, only  to come back to the beginning -the start of the circle and discover that the missing link is God and  it is His stabilizing power, they need., Like the prodigal son, they  begin their  journey back to their Father's House seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. Do we need to go around in circles? Do we need the destruction of all our values, confusion in our lives before we come to our senses that  we need God and it is His  Power that brings in the focus and the peace of our lives ???. Everything good  begins and complete with GOD!! Be Awaken!!

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