Monday, December 12, 2011

Day Of Pray and Reconciliation

Saturday, 10th December 2001
9-00-5.00pm-Venue- The Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes
Theme: " Come to me all who labour, and are overburdened and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28)

Speaker: Rev. Father Surain  -Message of Advent 

Part of the attendees
It was an awesome morning , a morning of devout and spirit filled praise and worship -a day of  spring cleaning  of the within, in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a day, when the meaning and wisdom of Advent was expounded and parallel drawn to our own  daily living, the beauty and wisdom of waiting.  There is a time and a season for everything and nature has to be allowed to take its full course, for the beauty of purpose to emerge. God's plans cannot be fast forwarded, if the fullness of its signification and purpose is to be realized. to its true worth and potential . Father Surain gave a very earthly  analogy of the butterfly emerging from the cocoon, through the fast forward innovation of man. It did not go thorough its required time of  process  and  the result? though, the cocoon did burst forth and  emerged as a butterfly, it could not fly............ And why did God send his Son to mankind in the form of a helpless little  BABY and NOT as a powerful  warrior, one who could  save mankind  with just a powerful wave of hand and that's that, salvation was given..... No , the message was  one of LOVE  Care and Deliverance and very much  trust and faith....   Exousia  -"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs  is the kingdom of God".... Matt.5:3.

Advent is a lesson  on the purpose and virtue of  waiting....the process to maturity, the  divine manifestations  which started off with the Blessed Virgin Mary placing her entire trust in God and agreeing to be the Mother of our Saviour    The Infant Jesus in his tender and innocent state is a picture of the message to which He was to deliver...the Kingdom of God is opened to   those who are childlike in their trust and belief -possessing of the innocence of  children...  ..The Lord's journey as a child to a matured man is  an indication-  the necessary  need for the completion of the process....developing, growing , nurturing and the maturity- required of the divine purpose, for which  He had come.. ...." Advent .....a period of faith, trust and anticipation, and yes-expectation ,  for the    promise of Christmas come true-Emmanuel...God with us....Indeed.!

Tea break 
It was unfortunate, this writer could  only stay  for half a day, a real pity indeed , but if the morning's session was any indication ; the effectiveness of the purpose,   to which this day of  prayer and reconciliation, was organised....I believe, it had borne its fruits and  all who came,  went away, blessed and  filled with fresh understanding -the meaning,  the  purpose, the peace and joy of Advent..

People! May You welcome in the Messiah with a sanctified and worthy heart!

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