Thursday, December 8, 2011

Facts of Living

We love those who do not love us, we cry for those who do not value us, we devote our whole lives  to provide, protect and  care for those who do not understand nor cherish us, we trust those who  deceive us, we give loyalty to those who thought nothing of hurting  us,  we seek and crave attention  from those who neither  see nor hear us,    we try to  please those who do not appreciate us.... ....such is the cruel realities of one is spared that pain and sufferings at some point of their lives. It is a no wonder, our living gets so choked up in the aura of distress and darkness that clarity and peace eludes us...
Jeremiah 31:25, I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. .

The Lord Jesus says:  :Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.. Matt 11:28

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