Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

It's Christmas Eve and Blogger here, just could not resist a post. The Church building looks elegantly simple, nice, real nice...actually, quite extraordinary!Christmas always does something to her...there is this special feeling of joy.... bubbling up, leaving her quite breathless! Remember  once upon a time???....whenever a festival draws near, how excited we children become. We would be jumping and hugging ourselves with anticipation  of goodies coming our way...favorite food, new clothings  xtrraaa.......Crazy...... though she is very much a Autumner now,.....whenever Christmas comes......she still feel very  springy . almost in drunken state.  Only, it wasn't the new clothes, or food she looks forward to- togetherness,  love, continuance of good times;   renewal of ties, God 's presence ...Bet you too, look forward to the same happy things, people.... and  the good Lord smiles indulgently upon us! .


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