Friday, December 9, 2011

Beautiful sights -Morning mass celebrations -Our Lady of Lourdes Klang

Two very beautiful sights. Yesterday, it was the sight of two altar boys each reverently holding a lighted candle and standing on each side of the parish priest while he read the gospel reading... that was really meaningful. Light to light, demonstrating that the   message is light itself , could anything be lovelier?? It  was the  feast of the  immaculate conception. God's powers be praised and blessed!  He has made the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of  the Redeemer and  His Word lived among us....

And today, another early morning inspiration to start off the day,  a simple ceremony, welcoming in two altar boys, committed to serve at the altar of the Lord. Simple, genuine  and so beautiful. It was the way, the- manner it was done, no splashes of colours, or beating of the drums....  just humbleness, reverence and honour ....from the heart....Focus were on the two new altar boys and their acceptance into altar service. There was this look of innocence on the faces of the young lads, which were refreshing and endearing.   

When you have walked,  as far down the passage of time,  as this Writer has.... spent - considerable time finding her way out of  muddy roads, into smoother ones,  pricked by thorns , healed by the living grace, and taken enough salt to last a life will appreciate such purity and sincerity and I tell you people..these are the beautiful images which will stand out and remain  in our memories to smile and gushed about.

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